JUE 25 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 05:45hs.
According to new studies

Gambling already moves US$9.95 billion per year in Brazil

Gambling and casinos have been banned in Brazil for more than 70 years (in 1946 by President Dutra), but some form of legalized gaming, such as the federal lottery, and those who act 'out of the law,' such as online gambling, move annually R$ 34.1 billion (US$9.95bn) according to studies of the Brazilian Legal Gaming Institute (IJL). The entity also states that Brazil has the potential to move up to R$66 billion (US$19.25) to raise about R$30 billion (US$8.75bn) in taxes per year.

The United States, the largest gambling and casinos market on the planet, annually moves more than US$500 billion, with the activity representing only 27% of the Las Vegas economy that it has today in entertainment, fruit of the intense activity of gaming in the city, its main source of income.

"The state does not win with the ban. The country moves almost US$5.85 billion in illegal gaming a year without disturbing in any way the functioning of the state and society. 71% of the WTO countries have gaming allowed. It is time to overcome prejudice," said Magno, president of the IJL, noting that the gaming market can generate almost 700 thousand jobs in different segments.

The president of the IJL acknowledged that Brazil has never been so close to releasing casinos since 1946, since the project is advancing in the Chamber of Deputies and defended the state's activity for taxing the activity.

"Gaming is not just the slot machines, it's mostly entertainment, income, shows, like Hard Rock that brings wonderful things to aggregate beyond betting. It's not opening a casino in every corner, but doing a good job," said the president of the board of CVC and GJP, Guilherme Paulus, who led the panel at the Gramado Forum of Tourism Studies.

Source: GMB / Brasilturis