VIE 19 DE ABRIL DE 2024 - 21:53hs.
97% is against

Senate survey shows overwhelming rejection to MP 841 on lottery distribution

Brazilian Federal Senate has put in public consultation Provisional Measure 841/2018, which refers to the net income of lotteries, promoted by the Caixa Econômica Federal for the National Public Security Fund. The first numbers are overwhelming and with almost 19,000 votes, 97% were against the measure pushed by President Michel Temer.

To date, about 454 (3%) support the measure and 17,986 (97%) reject it, with 18,444 votes registered on the portal "ecidadania" belonging to the official website of the Federal Senate. The access link to the public consultation and

To contemplate the fund, the provisional measure makes a redivision of the participation of the sectors in the social transfers of the federal lotteries. In addition to the FNSP, a percentage of the proceeds from bettors goes to Social Security (which includes health, welfare and social assistance), the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB) and the National Fund for Culture (FNC), among other areas. In addition to lotteries, the FNSP may also receive funds from the Union Budget.

Mandatory transfer

According to the MP, 50% of the funds from the lotteries will be transferred to the states and the Federal District, for application in public safety programs. The remaining 50% and the rest of the fund's revenues will be transferred to states and municipalities through an agreement. The Union may also be provided with part of the funds for federal projects.

In order to receive the resources of the fund, the federated entities will have to fulfill requirements. In the case of compulsory onlending with lottery funds, for example, the states and the Federal District will have to establish a local council of public security, have a specific fund to receive the funds and adopt a local security plan, observing the guidelines of the National Plan of Public Security.

Use of resources

According to the provisional measure, the FNSP aims to guarantee resources to support projects, activities and actions in the areas of public security and violence prevention. The management will be in charge of the Extraordinary Ministry of Public Security and a management council, made up of representatives of the ministry and other organs of the federal government.

The resources of the fund may be used in works in police stations and quarters of police, military firefighters and municipal guards; training of agents; purchase of equipment such as vehicles and weapons; intelligence, computerization and systems integration; and costing actions for cooperation between states, among other fundable activities.

The provisional measure was signed by President Michel Temer, at the same ceremony in which the project establishing the Unified Public Security System (Susp) was sanctioned. The bill became Law 13,675 / 2018.

On the same day the government released a study on the cost of crime in Brazil. According to the material, the cost is equivalent to 4.38% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This account includes expenses with public and private security, insurance, legal costs, incarceration and medical costs, among others.

Source: GMB