VIE 6 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 15:57hs.
Regulation and operation

Bitcoin and advertising, central topics at the end of BGC 2018 first day

The last panel of this first day of the BGC gathered interesting speakers on regulation and operation, including Paulo Duarte Lopes, Director of Planning and Control of Games of Portugal; Daniel Cossi, president of the Brazilian Confederation of Electronic Sports / Pamesco / Wesco; Peter Naessens, director of the Belgian Gaming Commission; and Thierry Pujol, Hall of Fame of the Lotteries Industry.

Daniel Cossi started the session addressing the question of payment methods, noting that the crypto-coins are beginning to be used. "When we talk about payments, debit and credit cards are already consolidated, but the use of bitcoin begins to spread as an accepted payment method, which makes all transactions secure," he said. Other methods also accepted, but on a low scale, is Paypal. "In the case of bitcoin, it is possible to create a specific account for gaming, although it is not yet known how the issue of taxes in the crypto-currency will be defined and how the exchange rate will be treated at the time of use, which has volatility and does not have a financial structure providing a ballast on the value of bitcoin."

Paulo Duarte Lopes, of the regulating body of Portugal, talked about the responsible publicity on gaming, considering that the country discussed this in a very professional way. According to him, advertising requires adequate framing and flexible regulatory tools to keep pace with the very evolution of the business and the media to be chosen to receive advertising messages. "In Portugal we have an advertising code defined by a government decree and it is restrictive as to the type of message, since there is a total prohibition of advertising of gambling, except for those operated by Santa Casa de Misericórdia," he explained. This, he said, lasted until 2015, when the government released "socially responsible" advertising for gaming, however preventing advertising pieces from treating the issue of prizes as a way of life or that are close to places with the presence of minors and / or vulnerable and risk groups. The publicity should have clear alert for risks and transparent information about the impossibility of easy success, according to the agent of the Portuguese regulator.

Peter Naessens, director of the Belgian Gaming Commission, said that speaking at a congress like the BGC, in which only the city of São Paulo has the same number of inhabitants as Belgium, is a pride. "In many European countries there are still difficulties in regulating online games and in our case it was no different. We had to deal with judges to come up with a common denominator in the regulation of gambling in Belgium.” Currently, there are almost 20,000 games licenses in the country, which involve casinos, online casinos, sports betting and other online betting. For him, the regulation needs the support of Congress for the definition of a regulatory entity with a view to attending society as a whole and the sector in particular. "The solutions go through technical discussions and analysis of successful experiences abroad so that Brazil creates a proper regulation and a regulatory agent to follow the industry so that it operates according to rules and with a view to consumer protection, both online and from land-based operations," he said.

Thierry Pujol, an international consultant and Hall of Fame member of the lottery industry, said that four types of regulatory models dominate the world, the worst being total ban, monopoly establishment, regulated operation, and unregulated operation.

"Numerous illegal sites are in operation in the world and this is a risk for players and unfair competition with regulated operators. Another problem is the manipulation of results of sports competitions, which directly affect the bettors. This needs to be stopped as well as other ilegal activities," he said.

According to him, there are several levels of warnings about inappropriate activity and especially in the field of sports betting, as players increasingly enter this fascinating world, "which need to be preserved against such practices, since combinations of results in any sport overthrows credibility in betting," he commented, noting that monitoring and exchanging national and international information,"as well as restrictions on certain types of bets can avoid problems for the sector as a whole, for the particular operator and at the end to the consumer, who has the right to be preserved. "

Source: Exclusive GMB

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