SÁB 8 DE MARZO DE 2025 - 13:18hs.
Mariana Carvalho

Brazilian deputy presents project to allocate funds from lotteries to women's sport

Deputy Mariana Carvalho (PSDB/RO) presented a bill amending Law 13,756, of December 12, to ensure that 30% of the resources received by the Olympic Committee and the Brazilian Paralympic Committee from the federal lotteries are applied to women's sports. She affirms that the change of the law has the objective to balance a little the great difference between investment realized, by the public and private initiative, in men sport compared with the feminine one.

Law 13,756 guaranteed to the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB) and the Brazilian Paralympic Committee (CPB) a significant share of the profits of the federal lotteries. According to the most recent data provided by Caixa Econômica Federal, the transfers to these two entities in 2017 totaled more than R$ 350 million (US$ 94m).

However, according to Deputy Mariana Carvalho, there is no guarantee that such resources will be used to finance the sport carried out by women.

Therefore, the deputy is proposing that 30% of the resources received by the COB and CPB should be applied in women's sports.

"We understand that, with this important increase in resources, women's sport will finally be able to find more consistent support from the Brazilian state for its development," said the deputy.

Souce: GBM