MIÉ 15 DE ENERO DE 2025 - 09:32hs.
12 gaming venues

Chile opens the bidding process for casinos

The Superintendency of Gambling Casinos (SCJ) of Chile announced the opening of the process of granting or renewing operating permits, through which the entity may authorize up to a maximum of 12 casinos in the country, corresponding to the quotas that will be available between July 29, 2023 and May 14, 2024. The SCJ set January 18 as the date for the submission of offers.

In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 19,995 on Casinos, the SCJ, with a notice that may not exceed 48 months or be less than 36 months from the expiration date of the permits in current operation, must issue a resolution formally declaring Open the process of granting or renewing operating permits, as appropriate.

Bidders interested in applying for an operating permit or in renewing their current one will be able to download the technical bases, as well as the Application System and its use manual, through the following link on the institutional website: http://betchile.scj.cl/process-opening/.

They may also be digitally taken at the offices of the Superintendency, located at Morandé 360, 11th floor, Santiago commune, Metropolitan Region. There is time to get the documents until January 17, 2021.

In this way, the phase of the preparation of the Technical and Economic Offers begins by those interested in participating in the process, in accordance with the requirements established in the aforementioned rules, for which they have a period of 120 working days until delivery of these in the Hearing for the Presentation of Technical and Economic Offers, which is scheduled for Monday, January 18, 2021 at 10:00 am, at the Hotel Gran Palace, Huérfanos Street N ° 1178, Santiago commune.

Also, from yesterday (Monday 27) and for a period of ten working days, will take place the period of consultations and request for clarification by the interested bidders. Meanwhile, the Superintendency has a period of fifteen days to respond to them.

Within one hundred and twenty business days following the Bid Presentation Hearing, the Superintendency must carry out the evaluation process of the technical bids, through the application of a methodology detailed in the Technical Bases.

According to current regulations, it is possible to apply for a gaming casino operating permit in all regions of the country, with the exception of the Metropolitan Region. The Valparaíso Region is also excluded from this process since it already has with a maximum of three casinos with a valid operating permit. The current gaming casino operating companies may choose to participate in this process, applying for the renewal of their permits.

The gaming venues involved are: Bíobío (Casino Gan Los Ángeles and Marina del Sol), Atacama (Antay Casino & Hotel), O'Higgins (Casino de Colchagua and Sun Monticello), Antofagasta (Enjoy Antofagasta and Marina del Sol Calama), Maule ( Gran Casino de Talca), Los Lagos (Marina del Sol Osorno), Araucanía (Dreams Temuco), Los Ríos (Dreams Valdivia), Magallanes (Dreams Punta Arenas).

Source: GMB