To download the latest version of the project (available in Portuguese), click here.
The Chamber of Deputies approved, by an immense majority of votes (293 x 138), the urgent requerimentt for voting on the substitute for Bill 442/91, which regulates all types of gaming in Brazil, such as casinos, bingo, sports betting, jogo do bicho, slot machines and horse racing. The project, whose rapporteurship was in charge of Deputy Felipe Carreras, will be debated and voted on in February 2022, in the resumption of the legislative work.
The Working Group created by the President of the Chamber, Deputy Arthur Lira (PP-AL) to update Bill 442/91, worked hard in the last three months to debate among themselves, with society and with members of Coaf, Federal Police, Ministry Public and Federal Revenue, among others, the best alternatives to deliver a document that contemplated all the issues involving games of chance.
The Plenary Opinion, the seventh version of the text prepared by the rapporteur, contains 52 pages and deals with the concept of games and accepted modalities, institution of the National System of Gaming and Betting (Sinaj), rules for the exploration of games and betting, minimum capital required for each modality and creation of a national policy to protect players and bettors.
Jogo do bicho
An entire chapter deals with the most traditional game played in Brazil for over a hundred years. The jogo do bicho becomes legal and its exploitation will be granted through accreditation to a legal entity with accreditation restricted to the territorial limits of each state.
Accreditation for the exploitation of the jogo do bicho will be granted for a period of 20 years, renewable for an equal period, being granted through a bidding process of the highest proposed investment and highest proposal to obtain the license, with a minimum value equivalent to the paid-in capital of BRL 10 million (USD 1.75m).
Section VIII - Minimum Capital
Art. 46. A legal entity interested in exploring games of chance must be incorporated under Brazilian law, with headquarters and administration in the country and also with a minimum paid-in share capital according to the following criteria:
IV – Jogo do bicho: R$ 10,000,000.00 (ten million) of reais.
Art. 67. Accreditation for the exploitation of the jogo do bicho will only be granted to the legal entity that proves that it has a reserve of resources as guarantee for the payment of the obligations and duties arising from this Law, except for the award, by means of a cash guarantee, guarantee or surety bank, according to values established in regulation.
Art. 68. Accreditation for the exploration of the jogo do bicho must be limited to the territorial limit of each State.
Art. 69. Accreditation for the exploration of the jogo do bicho will be granted for a fixed period of 20 (twenty) years, renewable for an equal period, provided that the requirements provided for in this Law are observed.
Art. 70. In prizes for extraction from the jogo do bicho up to the income tax exemption limit, the identification of the player will not be necessary.
Art 71. All accredited records, whether for betting or extraction, must be computerized with the possibility of access in real time (online) by the Union, through the SAU system to control their bets, pursuant to the respective regulation of this Law.
1st Taxpayers of Tafija are gaming and betting operators and tourism entities licensed, in the form of this Law, to operate the activity in the following quarterly amounts:
IV – Jogo do Bicho – 20,000.00 (twenty thousand) reais (USD 3,520) to each licensed entity.
Source: GMB