SÁB 21 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 00:07hs.
Carlos Cardama, GMB CEO

2021: A year of historic advances for the gaming industry in Brazil

We reached the end of 2021 wondering if we had a good year and if what awaits us for the next will meet our expectations. The answer is yes to both questions. Throughout 2021, we have seen the growth of the sports betting sector, the discussions for its regulation, the emergence of state lotteries and the approval of the urgency for the discussion of the Regulatory Framework for Gaming. And yes to the first question leads us to yes to the second, as this growth will further strengthen the industry and bring the sector to formality.

When reading so many news in GMB every day about the most varied verticals in the gaming industry, I'm sure we're living in a developed country, but without regulated gaming. There were thousands of articles throughout 2021 talking about the great advances in the sports betting segment and the fantastic support of the activity for different sports.

This gives me the certainty that, despite some negative news, Brazil has taken a safe flight and is already at cruising altitude to reach the heights in the gaming area.



One of the best proofs of this was the Brazilian iGaming Summit, which we held in the first week of December in Sao Paulo and which attracted the attention of the main players in the sector. The world-class congress brought together authorities, businessmen, regulatory bodies and the entire ecosystem to discuss Brazil. More than 500 people signed up in search of the current gaming industry in the country.

In an unforgettable night for the local gaming sector, Games Magazine Brasil was elected in a vote by the industry itself as the best digital magazine of the year during the first edition of the Brazilian iGaming Awards. We are very happy for this recognition by the market for the work that we do every day with love and great professionalism for 26 years, between the printed version of the magazine and the digital platform.



Recognition already makes me happy for the job done. Informing Brazil and the world about our country and its strength as a nation fills me with honor. Having so many supporters who believe in our message and in the professionalism of GMB’s team puts me indebted to all those who convey their messages to an audience as select as our readers. To all of you, our most sincere thanks for this year of walking together.

I could not fail to emphasize the advance of state lotteries. With the authorization of the STF for the states to operate their own lottery modalities, the country took another step forward in the universalization of the market. The movement started a little shy at the beginning of the year, but it took shape in this second semester. Highlight for Sao Paulo, the largest consumer market in the activity, the Federal District, Maranhão, Paraná, Tocantins and Amazonas, among others. The trend is that the operation itself, both in the states that have already passed laws and in those that are in the study phase, will start in the first half of 2022.

The work of the Lottery and Evaluation Secretariat (SECAP/ME) deserves to be recognized. They completed the studies and analyzes that supported the change in taxation and distribution of sports betting revenue (fixed quota), aligning Brazilian legislation with the best international practices (Law 14,183/2021), it deserves to be highlighted. With great technical and tax coherence, the team led by Gustavo Guimarães and Waldir Eustáquio Jr., performed in a short period an excellent management in the discussions of the subject. They set out on the list so that sports betting will be regulated next year, much before the World Cup in Qatar.



The close of the year brought the best of news. Thanks to the efforts of the Working Group (WG) on Gaming, created by the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira, Bill 442/91 was updated. With the commitment of the members of the WG, led by Deputy Bacelar and reporting by Felipe Carreras, it was possible to take the issue to the Plenary of the Chamber, despite the resistance of the Evangelical bench, where approval of the urgency had an overwhelming majority (293 votes in favor in front of only 138 against). In this way, the project that legalizes all types of gaming will not have to go through commissions and will return to voting in the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies in February. A new opportunity to end illegality and clandestinity, which only serves criminals.

The group managed, in a record period of 90 days, to study the old bill, listen to different federal administration bodies, talk to society and generate a current report, focused on best international practices. As a result, Brazil currently has a project that covers all verticals of the gaming industry and also consolidates the tax issue, in addition to aligning themes on responsible gaming, ensuring protection for players.

I have no doubts about the approval, as deputies from virtually all parties demonstrated the political will to discuss the topic and the vast majority of them have enough knowledge about the sector to embrace the idea of a Brazil with Legal Gamgne. Everyone knows that gaming exists and that it needs to be formalized as a way to generate wealth, in the form of jobs and taxes. Brazil needs this.



In the last days of December, the Federal Supreme Court also gave us good news. Minister Luis Fux released the calendar of judgments for the plenary sessions scheduled for the first half of 2022. On April 7, General Repercussion 966,177 will be discussed, which addresses the typical behavior of establishing and exploring games of chance. The theme seems to have attracted the attention of the three Powers, as it happened a few days after the approval of the urgency for discussion of Bill 442/91 that legalizes jogo do bicho, bingos, casinos and sports betting, among others, with support from Executive parties. Apparently, the Judiciary will also enter the dispute for gaming in 2022.

I want to thank the more than 60 companies that during 2021 supported GMB with their sponsorship. Many have been doing this before and more than 20 have joined this year. From sports betting operators, online casinos, regulators and sportsbooks to payment companies, law firms, hotels and events have chosen our site to introduce themselves. Thanks to them, for the fourth consecutive year, GMB is the industry’s most widely read news site in the country, consolidated as the main reference at the international level on the current situation in the local market. If with our content we help your growth, then we are happy and proud. Nothing makes us more happy than collaborating with the achievement of your goals.

I wish all those who have been on our pages, whether with advertising support, as protagonists of the articles or as faithful readers, Happy Holidays full of light that will lead to a great 2022.

I really believe in the coming year and in the strength that GMB has in showing the seriousness of our sector, the technical and creative capacity of our industry suppliers and the political competence of our administrators in creating a safe environment that brings investments of billions of reais to give society the benefits of the gaming sector.

I invite you to continue together in this journey throughout 2022.

Together we will always be unbeatable. You can bet on it.

Carlos Cardama