In response to the questioning of Ricardo Roman Jr., president of ABIH-SP, who demanded tax reform, Ecad justice, approval of the General Tourism Law and the release of casinos in Brazil, Herculano Passos confirmed that the gaming law will be approved by the end of this year.
“In relation to the casinos, Chamber’s president Arthur Lira, supports them and created a working group made up of ten deputies. We already have green light to guide and the expectation is to approve it by the end of this year.”
According to the congressman, "probably, the President of the Republic will veto [the project that legalizes gaming in Brazil], but I believe we have the votes to reverse the situation; so it is possible that this, which is a struggle for many years, will finally become reality,” completed Herculano.
In November, the Secretary of Tourism of the State of Sao Paulo, Vinicius Lummertz, also defended the legalization of casinos as a solution to establish Brazil as a world tourist destination in this resumption.
Source: GMB / Mercado & Eventos