Dias Regazzi gave an interview to journalist Luiz Carlos Prestes Filho for his series of articles that he publishes daily on the Tribuna da Imprensa Livre website on the legalization of gaming in Brazil:
Luiz Carlos Prestes Filho: What is your view on the referrals in the National Congress and the Supreme Federal Court (STF) that can regulate cash betting games managed by the private sector in Brazil? Renato Regazzi: I understand that being regulated, the gaming sector will be another option for collecting taxes and sources of employment and income for many Brazilians, who will be able to work in this productive chain, which encompasses several economic sectors, with emphasis on tourism and entertainment. These are considered promising sectors, given the worldwide trend of increasing people's leisure time, which will be one of the trends for the coming decades.
At the time of the crisis due to the COVID-19, would the regulation open up opportunities for the medium, small and micro companies gathered?
The productive chain of the gaming sector is related to entertainment being very extensive, encompassing several sectors directly and indirectly in a complementary and correlated way, opening opportunities for medium, small and micro companies to participate in this converging productive chain, as suppliers of products and services or operators new business models for the sector.
Can we favor Brazilian companies with the regulation of gaming?
Through information and incentive programs, such as credit, access to technology, innovation and training for Brazilian companies to become competitive to operate in this sector, in addition to fostering the productive chain, valuing local purchases and jobs. Especially because the productive chain of the world gaming economy promotes activities in the areas of architecture and graphic industry, accommodation and restaurants, entertainment, and technological innovation, among others.
Hasn't the time come to promote a major institutional study on the Gaming Economy Productive Chain in Brazil?
To understand and operate in the gaming sector, seeking better results for Brazilian companies, there is a need to understand how this productive chain works, to understand its interactions with other economic sectors - the input and product matrix. In this way, the sector will be able to create more results for the country and its population, through public policies of economic and social development. So, the study of the gaming production chain is fundamental now for Brazil.
Is gaming’s productive chain large?
The possibilities for productive linkage are great. From the development of suppliers for the assembly of facilities for the realization of games or construction of online systems, to the audiovisual, graphic, tourism, food, security, information and communication technologies, equipment producers, electrical and electronics, maintenance services and more. This sector can positively impact companies in the industry, commerce, services, and food if there is a public policy to encourage the densification of the national production chain.
The State of Rio de Janeiro has historic assets in the area with Cassino da Urca and Quitandinha…
For the best results, for investments in the sector, it will be necessary to identify places that have a “DNA” of gaming, a history and culture, together with the presence of the dynamic tourism sector. These are exactly the conditions of the State of Rio de Janeiro, which already had relevant assets, which remained in the memory of many people, and which can be redeemed. So, it is a good opportunity to promote the State's economy.
Strategically, which institutions should have an active voice in structuring programs and projects aimed at the gaming sector in Brazil?
Trade and industry federations, trade associations and representatives of the tourism sector, bars, restaurants and Sebrae, through the promotion of entrepreneurship and micro and small companies. Also, some universities and technical schools, aiming at research and professional training to prepare companies and people to train for the sector. And institutions in security sector to ensure sector integrity and regulation.
Source: Luiz Carlos Prestes Filho – Executive Director of Tribuna da Imprensa Livre newspaper