JUE 28 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2024 - 23:37hs.
Until April 9

The application deadline for PMI launched by Loteria Mineira is extended

In view of the difficulties imposed by the Coronavirus pandemic and the other current challenges, the Lottery of the State of Minas Gerais extends until April 9 the deadline for submitting applications to the PMI that aims to obtain feasibility studies for structuring concession model for the purpose of executing the public service of exploitation of the Conventional Lottery (Passive) and the Lottery of Numbers, Individual and Immediate Draw (Instant Lottery), both in physical environment.

The files of PMI nº 01/2021 and its Annexes are available in full on the following website: http://www.loteriamineira.mg.gov.br.

This PMI aims to obtain feasibility studies, surveys, investigations, data, technical information, projects or opinions for structuring the concession model for the purpose of executing the public service of exploitation of the Conventional Lottery (Passive) and the Lottery of Numbers, Draw Individual and Immediate (Instant Lottery), both in physical environment, sizing the market potential, sales projections, revenues, costs, expenses, taxes and investments, based on national and international references, which should be adapted to the reality of Minas Gerais General, considering the guidelines set out in Annex I - Term of Reference.

The SPECIAL EVALUATION COMMITTEE will be formed by technicians from the Lottery of the State of Minas Gerais (LEMG), and it may also be requested the participation of members of other organs or entities of the STATE, to assist in the analysis of the documents presented.

Individual or legal entities, of public or private law, individually or in groups, and civil societies may participate in this PMI. The documentation may also be sent by mail, in electronic version on digital media (CD-ROM), in 2 (two) copies, with a protocol for the following recipient:

Loteria do Estado de Minas Gerais (LEMG)
Cidade Administrativa Presidente Tancredo Neves
Rodovia João Paulo II, nº 4.001- Edifício Gerais 6º andar - CEP: 31630-900
Belo Horizonte / Minas Gerais

Source: GMB