JUE 28 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2024 - 17:01hs.
In the Legislative Assembly

Commissions endorse Executive's project for the creation of Sao Paulo state lottery

The Executive's bill that creates the state lottery in Sao Paulo was endorsed by the Constitution, Justice and Writing, and Finance, Budget and Planning committees of the Sao Paulo State Legislative Assembly, at a joint meeting this Tuesday (15). Now, the proposal is ready to go to the plenary vote by parliamentarians. The Bill also allows loans with national and international financial institutions.

Bill 359/21 aims to obtain resources to fulfill projects foreseen in the Targets Program for 2022. In addition to credit operations, the government's proposal also includes the institution of the State Lottery, authorized thanks to the decision of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) which ended the former Union monopoly.

The Bill determines that the resources arising from the Sao Paulo’s lottery must be directed to the financing of social assistance projects in the state.

The rapporteur of the proposal at the Congress of Commissions, Deputy Alex de Madureira (PSD), stated that "the project is clear and does not allow for the use of resources for other purposes." The approved opinion endorses the project, rejecting the 29 amendments presented by parliamentarians. The text arrived at the Assembly on June 8 as a matter of urgency.

State deputy Leticia Aguiar used social media to criticize the Executive's Bill: “In analyzing the bill in detail, I understand that we cannot authorize the State to contract debts of this amount without guaranteeing the transparency of the application of resources and allowing the inspection that it is the Legislative Power function.”

Deputy Enio Tatto (PT) criticized the urgent processing of the Bill. “It's impossible to do an in-depth analysis of a project of this magnitude without giving the benches time to analyze it,” he said.

At the end of the meeting chaired by deputy Mauro Bragato (PSDB), the leader of the government in the House, deputy Vinicius Camarinha (PSB), announced that the visit of technicians from the state government who will explain important aspects of the project to the parliamentarians is scheduled for today (Wednesday, 16).

In addition to those mentioned, deputies Janaina Paschoal (PSL), Marta Costa (PSD), Professor Bebel (PT) and Dr. Damaris Moura (PSDB), and deputies Heni Ozi Cukier (Novo), Marcos Zerbini (PSDB), Emidio de Souza (PT), Paulo Fiorilo PT), Thiago Auricchio (PL), Carlos Cezar (PSB), Adalberto Freitas (PSL), Enio Tatto, Roberto Engler (PSB), Estevam Galvão (DEM), Márcio da Farmácia (We can), Delegate Olim (PP) and Edson Giriboni (PV) were also present at the meeting.

Source: Alesp