MIÉ 26 DE MARZO DE 2025 - 14:29hs.
Major achievement in Europe

Portugal’s national lottery selects Scientific Games to supply instant games

Scientific Games Corporation announces that Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML) has selected the firm as the exclusive supplier of instant games to Portuguese players through a new, three-year contract. The Lottery is the fourth largest instant game operator in Europe with instant games representing approximately US$1.9 billion in annual retail sales.

SCML, a charitable organization that serves as the operator of the national lottery and retail betting in Portugal, is ranked among the world’s Top 20 performing lotteries globally (La Fleur’s 2021 World Lottery Almanac). The Lottery is the fourth largest instant game operator in Europe with instant games representing approximately US$1.9 billion in annual retail sales.

Scientific Games currently supplies its world-leading instant games to 48 European lotteries including Lotterie Nazionali, Italy; Française des Jeux, France; and National Lottery, UK; all Top 20 performers globally.

Dr. Edmundo Martinho, Provedor da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, said, “We are pleased to award this new instant games contract to Scientific Games. Our long history with the company provides an excellent foundation to continue the responsible growth of SCML instant game entertainment to generate maximum funding benefitting our charitable causes.”

SCML players can look forward to a portfolio of the company’s instant games with innovative designs, playstyles, themes and price points. Scientific Games through legacy companies began providing SCML with instant games – called RASPADINHA – when the Portuguese national lottery launched in 1995, playing a significant role in building the product to its global level of success over the decades.

We are honored to be the primary instant game supplier to Europe’s top four performing lotteries and nine of the top 10 performers globally. Scientific Games is excited to expand our longtime, successful relationship with SCML in Portugal to continue the Lottery’s growth by offering exciting instant game entertainment to Portugese players while responsibly generating maximum proceeds for the Lottery’s charitable cause,” commented John Schulz, Senior VP, Instant Products for Scientific Games.”

The company launched the world’s first secure retail instant game in 1974, the first digital instant game in the U.S. in 2014, and is the world’s largest creator, manufacturer and services provider of instant games in the world.

Scientific Games provides games, technology and services to more than 150 lotteries around the globe, with its products responsibly driving more than 70% of U.S. instant game global retail sales.

Source: GMB