Bill 2796/2021, which deals with the regulation of fantasy games in Brazil and also presents rules for electronic game devices and computer programs, was recently approved by the Chamber of Deputies.
Now, the article that provides for the creation of a Legal Framework for Electronic Games and Fantasy Games awaits the appreciation of parliamentarians in the Senate.
So far, the project is surrounded by great expectations, and the Brazilian Association of Fantasy Sports (ABFS) pointed out that there is an estimate that 5 thousand direct and indirect jobs will be created if the legislation is sanctioned.
Currently, Bill 2796/2021 is under the rapporteurship of Senator Irajá (PSD/TO) and has already been sent to the Senate Economic Affairs Committee for analysis.
The fantasy games and electronic games market is on the rise, being one of the most popular entertainment alternatives today, not only in Brazil, but in several other countries around the world. It is believed that, in Brazil alone, fantasy sport moves approximately R$ 60 million (US$ 11.5m) annually, and worldwide this sector is valued at R$ 100 billion (US$ 19b).
According to the president of ABFS, Rafael Marcondes, the regulation should enormously boost this market in the country, as it will bring greater legal certainty to those involved in this niche. “Companies and consumers now have clear guarantees and guidelines, leading to growth on all fronts of the sector,” says the executive.
Marcondes reiterates that this sector is in full growth, and that the young population, the main public of this industry, has an increasing purchasing power, which also contributes to the development of this sector in Brazil.
In recent times, there has been a significant improvement in the digital infrastructure, such as the arrival of the fifth generation internet, 5G, and the democratization of access to smartphones, which are getting cheaper every day.
Federal deputy Kim Kataguiri, author of the Bill, recently participated in an event held by the OAB/DF. In it, the parliamentarian reiterated that the electronic games industry has been growing at an impressive speed for some time now, and that because of that it should be encouraged.
According to a report released by the Brasil Games Export Program, Brazil is currently the 10th largest market in the world for electronic games, being the leader in this sector in Latin America.
What about Bill 442/91?
In a situation similar to Bill 2796/2021, Bill 442/91, which provides for the creation of a Regulatory Framework for Gambling, is also awaiting consideration by senators.
The text was voted on and approved in the Chamber of Deputies earlier this year and there was a great expectation that it would be voted on in the Senate in 2022, something that probably will not happen, since there are a few days left for the parliamentary recess.
The regulation of gambling has once again gained prominence in the country with the popularization of online gambling and betting platforms, which have been among the main entertainment alternatives for the population in recent years.
Recently, the rapporteur for Bill 442/91 in the Chamber of Deputies, federal deputy Felipe Carreras (PSB-PE), joined the transition team of the Lula government, which will take over in 2023.
In this way, the regulation of gambling in Brazil may have gained a new impetus, thus increasing the chances that the matter will finally be voted on in the Senate next year.
Source: Redação CGN