According to the mayor, a company specializing in the lottery segment was received by the vice-mayor Paula Ioris (PSDB) earlier this year. It was decided that she and the municipal secretary of Strategic Partnerships and Resource Management, Maurício Batista, will study alternatives and legally assess whether the proposal can go ahead. As the measure is under planning and is still considered premature, there is no definition on what the game mode and prizes will be.
"I don't see any problem in implementing the municipal lottery in Caxias do Sul. I understand that it would give us a good condition to inject money into the transport subsidy without taking from the free resource," he evaluates.
In addition to this possibility, the city intends to attract other forms of collection to allocate resources to public transport. One of them will come from the payment of rotating parking in Caxias. Currently, this amount is fully allocated to the Social Assistance Foundation (FAS). The contract between an outsourced company and the municipality will be extended between April and May of this year and will provide for changes in values.
The mayor anticipated that the proposal is not to prioritize the increase in the amount of time vehicles stay in the blue and green zones, but to create a third lane and expand the service to neighborhoods around the Center.
"We can expand the area of operation, applying a fair value, and that may result in resources to be applied with a noble destination, which is collective transport," he highlighted.
A third alternative is the placement of advertising on the rear windows of public transport buses. The proposal presented by councilor Rose Frigeri (PT) was unanimously approved last Tuesday (22). The project provides permission for Visate, the service concessionaire, to deploy ‘busdoor’, as the advertising stickers on the rear windows are called.
Ads may not present messages that violate human rights or promote personal or partisan politics. All revenue obtained must be used for the tariff subsidy.
According to the city hall, there is no way to estimate the potential revenue generated with the measures, since there has never been a study in this regard.
Source: GZH