The proposal, by former deputy Roman (PR), was approved on the recommendation of the rapporteur, deputy Fábio Mitidieri (PSD-SE). "The possibility of bringing together sports entities is a great evolution, providing a more systemic model of interaction to meet mutual objectives," said the rapporteur.
The measure benefits the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB), Brazilian Paralympic Committee (CPB), Brazilian Club Committee (CBC), Brazilian School Sports Confederation (CBDE), Brazilian University Sports Confederation (CBDU) and the National Federation of Sports Clubs (Fenaclubes).
The approved text amends Law 13,756/18, which fixed the distribution of lottery resources to sports entities. The funds transferred by mutual agreement will compose the budget of the beneficiary entity, which will be responsible for the execution, monitoring and accountability.
The project is being processed in a conclusive character and will still be analyzed by the Finance and Taxation commissions; and Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.
Source: News Chamber Agency