MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:25hs.
Danilo Lopes (Avante)

Council member's bill seeks to ban advertisements from betting houses in Fortaleza

A bill aims to prohibit the promotion, endorsement, or advertising of betting companies and activities related to gambling in the capital of Ceará state. The proposal, submitted by council member Danilo Lopes (Avante), was read in the Plenary of the Municipal Chamber of Fortaleza (CMFor) and seeks to ban publications, billboards, commercials, and any other social media posts related to sports betting, casinos, and games of chance.

The text, which now goes to the committees, also mentions the prohibition of campaigns that link these businesses to guaranteed money, the receipt of goods, or other advantages in general.

According to the content of the bill, the Fortaleza Inspection Agency (Agefis) would be responsible for removing content prohibited by the new law. In case of non-compliance with the legislation, those responsible may be subject to penalties provided for in the Consumer Protection Code and other legal provisions.

The Municipality of Fortaleza would be responsible for "promoting and encouraging awareness campaigns about the risks and impacts of betting activities, in collaboration with educational institutions and healthcare professionals."

According to the author, the project is justifiable because "advertising for games of chance and betting houses is becoming increasingly common in our society." They would be accompanied by "false content of winners" or "promises and guarantees of earnings."

Lopes' idea comes at a time when the National Congress is debating the regulation of sports betting and the legalization of online gambling platforms in the country. Approved by the Chamber of Deputies in September, the proposal is now under consideration in the Federal Senate.

The measure incorporates what is included in Provisional Measure (PM) 1182/23, issued by the Federal Government and is part of a series of efforts by the Executive to strengthen revenue and combat the public deficit. The Ministries of Finance and Sports were co-authors of both the bill and the PM.

Advertising is one of the topics covered in both initiatives. The currently effective measure states that no type of commercial advertising and marketing by companies responsible for fixed-odds betting lotteries can be carried out without a license.

The law approved by Parliament prohibits advertising materials without authorization to operate the lottery that disseminate information without a basis of truth about the odds of winning or the potential earnings that bettors can expect.

Advertisements that present betting as socially attractive or contain statements by well-known personalities and celebrities suggesting that gambling contributes to personal or social success cannot be aired.

Bets cannot be promoted as an alternative to employment, a solution to financial problems, an additional source of income, or a form of financial investment.

Source: Diario do Nordeste