MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:48hs.
Camilo Millon, Director of Sales for Latin America

"Kambi is very close to opening operations in Paraná and Rio de Janeiro with strategic partners"

Kambi is one of the leading global providers of sports betting and one of the companies most interested in working aggressively in the Brazilian market, where they already have clients and operations set to kick off soon in Paraná and Rio de Janeiro. Camilo Millon, Director of Sales for Latin America, spoke to GMB at G2E Las Vegas where he stated that Kambi believes that 'Brazil will soon be among the top three gaming markets in the world.'

GMB - What are your thoughts on being present at G2E, an edition that clearly opens up to the sportsbook sector?
Camilo Millon
- I believe that this fair is essential, a necessity that the market itself demands, where operators and providers need to gather in order to identify and meet the needs of each market in Latin America. For Kambi, it's crucial to be at an event like G2E, especially to understand the demands and the emerging markets such as Brazil, Mexico, Peru. Also, to cater to markets that have been regulated for a bit longer, like Colombia.

People and operators demand different things depending on the market, right?
Definitely, we must understand Latin America as a multicultural market in which we can't assume that markets are similar. In fact, the DNA of each market is entirely different, and even within the same markets, regions can vary. Certifications, regulations, types of bets, operations, and more. There are so many variables that we need to understand very well in order to arrive and succeed in leading.

Today, you have sports betting verticals for all sports. How does that work?
Yes, the nature of a boutique company like Kambi is to be the allied partner, an expert in the development of a 360-degree sports betting solution that adapts to each market, demand, regulation, and types of bets. Accordingly, we have all kinds of products to operate, including eSports, etc. For this purpose, we have a company that was acquired some time ago, called Abios, from which we can provide eSports to any market.



And how is the market in the United States for you, since you started strong two years ago? It has been a challenge, hasn't it?
Today, we can say that we are market leaders as a B2B provider. It's been tough, but we have persevered and demonstrated that we have the ability to compete at the level demanded by each market. We are very happy in the United States, full of success, and demonstrating the quality of our product.

Just as the United States started with great success, Brazil is about to kick-off. What do you expect from that market?
Brazil is a marvel. Today, we don't internally consider it just another Latin American market, but as a powerhouse. In fact, on a global level, we believe it will be among the top three markets in the world. Brazil is seeking regulation that will take time to mature. But I believe it's a country where you have to put your heart and all your passion.

So you think Kambi is ready to enter the Brazilian market?
Yes, we are definitely ready. We understand the DNA of Brazil. In fact, we are already present with some Tier 1 operators in Brazil, and we are also very close to starting operations in the states of Paraná and Rio de Janeiro with some strategic partners. So, we are focusing on different markets within Brazil itself. It's a country that deserves a lot of respect.

And at the fair, are there any updates for Kambi?
Certainly, there are several updates. We have taken on the task of communicating that Kambi has evolved. Kambi is not that unattainable product. However, it continues to be the leading product in the market. It's a product that now focuses on modularization. We want to provide the customer with everything from the turnkey solution to the complete 360 product, to modularization. That means selling different modules like Bet Builder, among other products we have, which characterize us and make us leaders.

Source: Exclusive GMB