MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:32hs.
Icaro Quinteiro, COO of Esportes da Sorte

“Sponsorship beyond football was essential for us to engage new audiences”

The podcast PATROCINEI! welcomed Icaro Quinteiro, COO of Esportes da Sorte, for an interesting meeting that discussed sponsorships and the evolution of sports betting in Brazil. Alongside hosts Fábio Wolff and Ivan Martinho, the executive spoke about the Group's strategies in promoting its sportsbooks. “At first, it was important to be alongside the clubs, but today we are excited about diversifying into the areas of culture and entertainment.”


The guest of hosts Fábio Wolff and Ivan Martinho in the second episode of the fourth season of PATROCINEI!, Icaro Quinteiro, COO of Grupo Esportes da Sorte, which brings together the sports betting houses Esportes da Sorte, Onabet and X1 Brazil, took the entire podcast to his experience in managing the conglomerate and his expectations regarding the growth of the Brazilian market.

“The sports betting market has been growing for a few years and the understanding of the activity is following the same direction. Serious companies, such as Esportes da Sorte, have been building a very positive view of the activity. We have to show that it is a serious business and the market can only evolve with positive actions from operators,” began Quinteiro.

For the betting house executive, “separating the wheat from the chaff will happen. Today there are some adventurers in the market alongside serious companies like Esportes da Sorte, but over time and with regulation, there will be a purification of the sector in light of the guidelines that must be followed by legislation,” he assessed.

Quinteiro believes that it will be essential, with future regulations, that operators really know the public well. “That’s what we do and it guarantees us a certain competitive advantage, since our work is closer to the end customer.”

Esportes da Sorte achieved enormous recognition in the national sports betting market due to the huge number of properties used to build a brand, such as in several football clubs in Series A and B, cultural, sporting and entertainment events.

To choose such properties, Icaro stated that the first thing is to understand if there is a fit with the Esportes da Sorte audience. “We analyze proximity to our target audience, regional issues and understand how the work of the property works, be it a club or an asset, and what are the possible deliveries and whether they are productive for the brand,” explained Quinteiro.

“The fans’ passion for their club is very important for greater engagement, at the same time that sponsorship of cultural and entertainment events reaches more diverse audiences. For our business, all of this is important to reinforce the brand,” he commented.

Regarding this, Quinteiro stated that it was a strategic decision for the Group to sponsor cultural and entertainment events, such as Big Brother Brasil, “since we realized that this niche was not as explored by the sector. We saw an important space that could bring a significant return. And that’s what happened and continues to happen, ensuring relevant recognition for our brand.”

Regarding the inflation of sponsorship prices, especially for big clubs, Icaro stated that “the boom happened in this year 2023, where several brands are on the teams. It is not an easy process and we needed to position ourselves in the football market at the beginning of this year and we understood that we needed to be in relevant clubs.”

Today, according to him, after that initial phase, Esportes da Sorte is faced with new opportunities outside of football as well. “At that time, it was very important to get closer to great teams, but today we are excited about diversification.”

Activations, according to Icaro, are one of the most appropriate forms of engagement and the main factor in winning customers. “It’s not enough to print a club’s shirt, but to be close to the fans. He realizes that being by our side will have countless benefits.”

Furthermore, Quinteiro also highlighted the importance of deliveries, citing as one of the positive examples the agreement with the São Paulo Football Federation for the Campeonato Paulista, “which we intend to renew for 2024. The same will not happen with others, which were not as significant so in terms of deliveries.”

Source: GMB