MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 23:05hs.
Organized by FAS Advogados

Webinar with José Francisco Manssur to discuss the future of sports betting regulation

Amidst the efforts towards the regulation of sports betting in Brazil, the law firm FAS Advogados will host a webinar this Tuesday (17) to address the topic with the presence of José Francisco Manssur, Special Advisor to the Ministry of Finance. The meeting will be moderated by the lawyer and partner in the media and sports department at FAS Advogados.

The regulation of sports betting in Brazil must be approached consciously and practically. Furthermore, the rules need to be viable and sustainable to attract and retain the investments that have been made in the sector.

With this in mind, Fernanda Meirelles, partner in the media and sports department at FAS Advogados, will discuss the topic this Tuesday (17), in the webinar 'Regulation of Sports Betting in Brazil: Where we are and what comes next.’

The meeting will feature insights from José Francisco Manssur, Special Advisor to the Ministry of Finance, who is responsible for overseeing the regulation of sports betting within the Ministry.

"The expectations surrounding the regulation of this activity should take into account the current scenario and the potential impacts that the introduction of specific regulations can have on the sector," explains Meirelles.

"The regulation of this issue provides legal certainty and, consequently, a potential boost to business. Understanding the rules of the game, in any situation, brings predictability, adaptability, and, therefore, reliability," adds the lawyer.

However, these new rules must be viable and sustainable to attract and maintain the investments that have been made in the sector. Otherwise, the risk is that the current situation of companies based outside Brazil exploiting the Brazilian market under a legislative gap will persist, and the new legislation will become ineffective.

To understand these points and get answers to questions, those interested in participating in the free webinar can register here.

Event Details:

FAS+Simples - Webinar 'Regulation of Sports Betting in Brazil: Where we are and what comes next.'

Date: October 17, at 6:00 pm

Fernanda Meirelles, partner in the TMT (Technology, Media, and Telecommunications) department at FAS Advogados
José Francisco Manssur, Special Advisor to the Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Finance

Source: GMB