MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:48hs.
Thursday, 19th

CAE decides on a hearing to discuss sports betting, Angelo Coronel does not present a report

The Senate Committee on Economic Affairs, at the request of two parliamentarians opposing the approval of any form of gambling in Brazil, decided to hold a public hearing to discuss the regulation of sports betting in Brazil. Angelo Coronel, the rapporteur for the matter in the CAE, did not submit his report, which is expected to occur only after the hearing.

During this Tuesday (17) meeting, which was supposed to discuss Senator Angelo Coronel's report on Bill 3626/23 in the Committee on Economic Affairs, the topic was postponed. Still, during the discussion of other issues, a senator opposed to the approval of sports betting in Brazil requested that the CAE hold a public hearing to debate the matter before it is considered by the committee.

Endorsed by another opponent of the activity, with the same weak justifications regarding issues like money laundering and gambling addiction, the Senate Committee on Economic Affairs scheduled a public hearing for Thursday (19) afternoon to discuss the topic.

The senator who requested the hearing justified it by arguing that the issue should not be considered solely from the perspective of potential government revenue increase through taxing gambling establishments but also from the perspective of "psychological and moral well-being."

Senator Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA) was supposed to present the report on the proposal this Tuesday (17), but the committee's analysis was postponed due to the request for the public hearing, which will take place next Thursday (19) at 4:00 PM.

During the legal period for senators to submit suggestions, Bill 3626 received 49 amendments. In the Committee on Economic Affairs and in the Committee on Sports, another 30 propositions were submitted.

The Committee on Sports has a meeting scheduled for this Wednesday (18) when the amendments presented by Senators Jorge Kajuru (4) and Carlos Portinho (7) may be considered.

The list of participants for the public hearing of the Committee on Economic Affairs has not yet been determined and is expected to be finalized in the next few hours to allow enough time for them to attend the meeting.

Source: GMB