MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:58hs.
Crucial week

Senate committees vote on proposal to regulate sports betting in Brazil

The Committee on Economic Affairs will meet this Tuesday (17) with seven items on the agenda. One of them is the bill that regulates sports betting, under the leadership of Senator Angelo Coronel. Additionally, the Sports Committee has scheduled a discussion on the subject for tomorrow (18), with Romário as the rapporteur. The initial text was approved by the Chamber of Deputies on September 23rd. In the Committee on Economic Affairs and the Sports Committee, the proposal received 72 amendments.

The Committee on Economic Affairs (CAE) has a meeting scheduled for this Tuesday (17) at 10 am, with seven items on the agenda. One of them is the bill that regulates fixed-odds sports betting (PL 3.626/2023). The text is an initiative of the Executive branch and was approved by the Chamber of Deputies on September 23rd. The legislation incorporates Provisional Measure (PM) 1.182/2023 and addresses issues such as the granting fee, new revenue distribution, requirements, and restrictions. Senator Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA) is the rapporteur.

The bill will also be discussed in the Sports Committee (CEsp) on Wednesday (18) at 9:30 am, and it is scheduled for a vote by the committee. The project is being examined simultaneously by both the Committee on Economic Affairs (CAE) and the Sports Committee (CEsp). Senator Romário (PL-RJ) is the rapporteur in CEsp.

According to the text approved in the Chamber of Deputies, 2% of the revenue collected will go towards social security. Other recipients of the funds will include sports (6.63%) and tourism (5%).

In the realm of sports, the funds will be divided among the Ministry of Sports (4%), athletes (1.13%), and specific sports confederations, with varying percentages ranging from 0.05% to 0.4%. Half a percent of the funds will be directed to state sports departments, which will have to distribute half to municipal sports departments, proportionally based on the city's population.

In the tourism sector, 4% will be allocated to the Ministry of Tourism, and 1% will go to Embratur. The Law 13.756 of 2018, which established this type of lottery, initially stated that companies would retain 95% of the revenue (after prize payouts and income tax), whereas the current project allows for 82%.

According to the proposal, education will receive 1.82% of the revenue collected. Within this amount, 0.82 percentage points will be allocated to preschools and elementary and secondary schools that have achieved goals for national assessments. The remaining 1% will go to public secondary-level technical schools.

The proposal received 72 amendments in the Committee on Economic Affairs (CAE) and the Sports Committee (CEsp). Since this is a project initiated by the Presidency of the Republic, it must be voted on by the senators by November 11th to prevent it from blocking the legislative agenda.

Source: Agência Senado