MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:27hs.
Renato Almeida, Director

"FBM is ready for gambling legalization in Brazil, we'll enter the market with great strength"

FBM and its online division FBMDS were present at the Global Gaming Expo in Las Vegas, where Renato Almeida, Director of the Group, talked with GMB. Satisfied with the company's global growth, the executive highlighted success in all business verticals. Now, the company has its eyes on Brazil: “We are preparing for the legalization of gambling in the country and will enter the Brazilian market with great strength.'

GMB – Let’s talk about the presence of the FBM Group, once again, at one of the most important gaming expos in the world.
Renato Almeida
- Without a doubt, the Las Vegas expo is one of the most important in the world. We are here once again with new products, new trends, increasingly focusing on the online aspect. I believe the online market is growing worldwide, and that's very significant. That's why we continue to invest in this area as well.

When you talk about new products, do you mean land-based products as well and not just the increasing presence of FBM through FBMDS?
Yes, physical products as well. We have a new line of slot games and bingo games in the physical realm. Everything we do for physical gaming, we replicate for the online sector. In the online realm, in addition to what we have in the physical sector, we offer some new products that are not yet possible to implement in the land-based segment. For instance, we are thinking about introducing features like crash games, which are a global sensation. We already have a title that's been very successful, "Champions Tales," and we're considering the possibility of implementing some features in the land-based sector as well.



Land-based gaming began to worry at some point about how to coexist with the online market. However, that fear did not materialize. Are both sectors coexisting well?
We coexist very well, but there are indeed many people, especially operators, who are concerned. Operators are often worried because they see significant growth in the online sector. However, land-based gaming always has its role. There's the aspect of the environment, the customers who enjoy the casino or bingo atmosphere, where people meet friends, and there's a social aspect of land-based gaming that you don't find online.

On the other hand, I think the pandemic has amplified the importance of the online sector. Even people who were hesitant to go online before are now comfortable with it. Not only in the gaming world, but in many aspects of life, people are making online purchases today, which they might not have done in the past due to security concerns. But now there's a sense of security, and this has greatly boosted the online market. In any case, land-based gaming will never disappear. They will always coexist, and there won't be a market rupture where land-based has to give way to the online. I don't think that will happen; they will always complement each other.

How are business prospects for both FBM and FBMDS?
Business is going very well. We are continuing our global expansion in the land-based sector, and FBMDS is growing significantly. This is very positive, and I believe there is still a lot of room for growth, thanks to the increased prominence of the online market. The land-based sector is growing, although not as rapidly as the online sector, but it's still growing considerably. This year, we installed our first casino in the United States, and we have an aggressive business plan for the United States, which is perhaps the most important market globally.



And how is the Latin American market for you? What are your expectations regarding the future Brazilian market?
In the Latin American market, we are primarily present in Mexico and not in any other country. Of course, we are closely monitoring the situation in Brazil, and we have high hopes for the country. Things are heating up in Brazil, and the approval of online gaming legislation has in some way opened the doors to regulate gaming in the country. This is going to happen, and in my opinion, there's no turning back. The Brazilian gaming market is a reality that will happen soon.

What are FBM's plans for when this happens?
Oh, we are definitely preparing for it and creating plans because, as an established player in the market with a significant presence, we will enter the Brazilian market with great strength, you can be sure of that.

Source: Exclusive GMB