MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:26hs.
Collection already reaches US$ 3m

Lottopar enables Gaev Loterias to operate sports betting in Paraná

Even before the first bet took place, Paraná had already raised R$15 million (US$ 3m) from grants alone. This Thursday (19), Lottopar signed a new contract to operate sportsbooks in the State, this time with Gaev Concessionária de Loterias do Paraná (Daruma Sam S.A (Aposta.la). The company is already going through the integration phase with Lottopar's management and payment platform.

Lottopar authorized this Thursday (19) the concessionaire Gaev Concessionária de Loterias do Paraná SPE Ltda. (Daruma Sam S.A (Aposta.la).to carry out the integration stage with the authority's management platform and payment methods, a mandatory step for companies to begin operations throughout Paraná.

Validation of the betting site by the local authority is also part of the integration process, in order to ensure that the dealer's website complies with the regulations set out in the Brand Manual and the Lottopar Authorized Seal Manual, which brings more security and confidence to bettors, as it will be possible to easily identify an authorized betting site in the State from an illegal one.

As soon as all integration steps are completed and tests are carried out, thus ensuring the security of all systems involving this lottery operation, the company can begin its operations. There are already three sports betting companies that can start operating, as long as all integration stages are completed.

The president of Lottopar, Daniel Romanowski, highlights the State's environment for attracting new companies in the lottery sector, as “since we launched the Notice for the accreditation of Fixed Quota Betting operators, Paraná has obtained a of the largest number of companies interested in participating in this process.”

“Today, with yet another company being authorized to begin the integration stage, Paraná is consolidating itself as one of the Federation entities most advanced in the process of regulating sports betting. We are working with the aim of creating a safe and healthy environment for bettors and operators, while at the same time providing new investments in the quality of life of the people of Paraná,” highlighted Romanowski.

The operations director of Gaev Concessionária de Loterias do Paraná, Fernando Ribeiro, reinforces the importance of a regulated market and congratulates the State of Paraná for the way it has been conducting this process in the sports betting market. “Paraná is a state very close to us, it borders Paraguay, so we believe that our coming here is an opportunity to create jobs and regulation helps to reinforce the role of safe and responsible gambling,” said Ribeiro.

Identification of websites

With the entry into operation of the first fixed-odds betting companies (AQF), the bettor will be able to easily distinguish an authorized site from an illegal site in the State of Paraná by means of a verification seal. With this seal, which will have two versions, a digital one for websites and a physical one for equipment, the player is guaranteed access to a regulated, legalized and authorized company to operate in Paraná or even that the equipment used by lottery companies is duly registered and verified by Lottopar, a joint effort developed with testing and certification laboratories.

At the event, the concessionary company symbolically handed over the check to Lottopar, worth R$5 million (US$ 1m), which is the grant that the operator pays to the State to receive the operating license.

Participating in the event were the president of Lottopar, Daniel Romanowski; the president of Gaev Concessionária de Loterias do Paraná SPE Ltda. (Daruma Sam S.A (Aposta.la), Giuseppe Espinoza; the operations director of Gaev Concessionária de Loterias do Paraná SPE Ltda. (Daruma Sam S.A (Aposta.la), Fernando Ribeiro; the operations director of Lottopar, Fabio Veiga; Lottopar's technical director, Rafael Halila; and Lottopar's chief of staff, Stefanny Fernandes.

Source: GMB