MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:36hs.
October 10th

Loteria Mineira opens public consultation to grant online lottery games to the private sector

The Minas Gerais Lottery published this weekend that it will hold Public Consultation LEMG nº 001/2023 to publicly discuss and process technical information and business concepts for future international bidding. It will deal with hiring a company to explore and operate an online/real time system (iLottery) for electronic games through physical, in-person and digital/virtual means. The meeting to take place at LEMG headquarters on October 10th, at 10 am.

“The Public Consultation aims to provide knowledge in broad transparency to society, allowing interested parties to formulate questions and/or present suggestions, subsidies, elements necessary to improve the Business Draft, target of the bidding process, in order to hire a company to operation of game lotteries in the online/real time system (iLottery), through a public service exploration grant, under a long-term Concession contract,” defines the Call for consultation.

LEMG will consider all lottery modalities of prediction games provided for in federal and state legislation, except sports betting, through the granting of strategic planning services, creation of lottery games, implementation and operation of lottery products, marketing, creation and operation of a network of points of sale, marketing of games, development and implementation of websites, virtual gaming platforms and payment of prizes, under a public service concession contract, based on Federal Law No. 8,987/95.

“In any case, it will be the moment for interested parties to provide information and express themselves, showing what the best technologies and strategies are for exploring this market,” said Ronan Moreira, president of Loteria Mineira, to GMB.



Any person, natural or legal, who is interested in knowing the preliminary project to be presented, offering contributions that will subsidize the Public Administration in the formatting of the future bid may present them in the form defined in the Public Consultation Notice.

The Minas Gerais Lottery explains that it understands by contribution, “any suggestion for the preparation of the Notice of the future bidding and all its Annexes, in particular emphasis and point of support to the Basic Project, for the execution of the public contest for the concession of the present object, as well as the necessary and other information that supports the fulfillment of the bidding objectives."

Registration to participate in the Public Consultation will be done by filling out the models that make up “Annex I – Registration Form”, calling for Public Consultation LEMG nº 001/2023, and sending it to the email licitacao@ lotterymineira.mg.gov.br within a period of up to 8 (eight) calendar days, counting from the publication of the Public Consultation notice.

The deadline ends at 11:59 pm on October 9th. The meeting to discuss the possible models to be tendered will take place on October 10th, at 10 am, at Rodoviia Papa João Paulo II, 4.001 – Edifício Gerais, 13th floor, Serra Verde neighborhood, in Belo Horizonte/MG.

After the meeting, all contributions and manifestations from participants must be forwarded to the Minas Gerais State Lottery by October 20th, which will have ten days to respond to the contributions received.

Source: GMB