MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:43hs.
Pilot project

Loteria Mineira's Raspadinha® now available in the distributor network

This Monday (23), the new Raspadinha® from Loteria Mineira started to be sold, still in the pilot project phase, in various establishments within the distribution network of the Loteria do Estado de Minas Gerais (LEMG). In total, four games are being offered by the Consórcio Mineira da Sorte, the winner of a recent competition.

With the publication of the LEMG nº 021/2023, Loteria Mineira officially initiated the pilot project implementation process for selling the new Raspadinha® game plans in various establishments.

There are four games available in this pilot project phase:

Jogo da Velha – prizes of up to R$ 5,000 (USD 990) and a value of R$ 2 (USD 0,40).

Boa Sorte – prizes of up to R$ 75,000 (US$ 14,900) and a value of R$ 5 (US$ 1).

7 da Sorte – prizes of up to R$ 77,777 (US$ 15.440) and a value of R$ 5 (US$ 1).

Super Premiada – prizes of up to R$ 250,000 (US$ 49,600) and a value of R$ 10 (US$2).

These games will be operated by the Consórcio Mineira da Sorte de Loterias/CMSL (the winning company of the International Public Competition LEMG No. 001/2023), with control and oversight by Loteria Mineira.

The new Raspadinha® starts being sold on Monday, October 23. The return of this traditional game promises to make a significant impact on the lottery market and bring joy to the people of Minas Gerais with its prizes.

More about the pilot project and the established rules for selling the game plans of the Instant Lottery (Scratch Card®) type, access the full content of Ordinance LEMG nº 021/2023.

Source: GMB