MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 23:08hs.
Brazilian city in Goiás state

Anápolis sanctions law to create lottery to fund social security of municipal employees

Mayor Roberto Naves has signed the law that establishes the public lottery service that will finance the Social Security Institute for Municipal Employees in Anápolis, a Brazilian city in the State of Goiás. The Anápolis Municipal Lottery (Lotan) was proposed and approved by the Municipal Council in an extraordinary session at the beginning of October.

Last Friday (20), Mayor Roberto Naves of Anápolis, one of the main cities in Goiás, signed the approval for the project presented by the Legislative branch, creating the Anápolis Municipal Lottery.

The creation of Lotan was approved earlier this month by the Municipal Council in an extraordinary session, and only awaited Mayor Roberto Naves' approval for the implementation process in the city to proceed.

The text grants the Executive branch the authority to manage the mechanism and specifies that 80% of the revenue will be allocated to financing the pension system of the Municipal Social Security Institute for Employees of Anápolis (ISSA). Out of the total amount, 20% will be allocated to social projects in the areas of sports, culture, and tourism.

According to the law, the municipal public lottery service will be directly or indirectly operated by the Executive branch, which is responsible for authorizing, accrediting, overseeing, granting, permitting, and managing the entire lottery service. They may delegate these responsibilities to other municipal public administration agencies.

In the Municipal Council, the text authored by President Domingos Paula and Vice President Jakson Charles had a substitute motion in the plenary, which received the favorable votes of 20 present councilors and one opposing vote from Councilor José Fernandes.

Source: GMB