MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 23:05hs.
Market reserve

Fenae defends Caixa's exclusivity in sports betting operations

Bill 3626/2023, which regulates sports betting in Brazil, is causing discomfort to the National Federation of Caixa Staff Associations (Fenae). The entity wants a market reserve so that only Caixa can explore the activity and claims that granting it to the private sector will drain resources destined for social programs.

“Caixa lotteries have been around for decades. Almost half of the total collected from the games, including the percentage allocated to Income Tax, is invested in priority areas in the country,” says Sergio Takemoto, president of Fenae.

In 2022, for example, areas such as security, public safety, health, education, sport and culture received R$10.9 billion (US$ 2.2bn), an increase of 23% compared to 2021 transfers.

Fenae expressed its concern to senator Paulo Paim (PT/RS), who presented two amendments that provide for exclusivity of operation for Caixa. These are additive amendments 67 and 68.

Amendment 67, presented to the Economic Affairs Committee (CAE), includes an article that determines that the operation of lotteries is a public service and will only be permitted by federative entities.

Amendment 68 establishes that physical bets will be carried out exclusively through lottery licensees, with authorization from the provider of lottery services, Caixa Econômica Federal.

In his justification, the senator highlights that Caixa has the expertise, distribution network and credibility of the population to operate lotteries. “It is not fair, therefore, for new gaming products to enter the market in competition and for Caixa lottery operators not to participate in them.”

Source: GMB