MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:35hs.
André Vinícius de Alencar Alves, partner at Control F5

Global expansion strategies for betting sites: everyone wants Brazil

The attention of the global sports betting market is on Brazil, especially at this time when regulation of the sector is about to become a reality. In an exclusive article for GMB, André Vinícius de Alencar Alves, partner at Control F5, analyzes some strategies that companies should adopt, given the dimensions of conditions, regional characteristics and legal determinations that are still being examined.

The global online betting industry has its eye on Brazil, an emerging market with great growth potential. However, expansion into our lands brings with it specific challenges, from complex and evolving regulations to cultural differences.

Anyway, that old cliché applies: Brazil is unique in several aspects. Therefore, our column today will talk about some essential strategies for the success of expanding betting sites here.

Make a detailed analysis of the green and yellow market

Brazil is a vast country with a peculiar and diverse culture. Before expanding here, it is essential to understand the public's betting and gaming preferences, as well as market opportunities.

It is also necessary to understand that we have several “Brazils” here. Regionalizing operations, understanding that, for example, focusing on the south-southeast market is different from wanting to conquer the north-northeast market is essential for everything to work out.

Many powerful international companies are used to operating in much smaller countries. That's why it's so important to map the huge market here so that the operation can operate effectively and sustainably.

Understand the stage at which market regulation is at

The regulation of the betting and gaming market in Brazil is ongoing and constantly changing. To ensure your success, it is essential to rely on consultancy from a local company that is fully up to date with all the new developments that are emerging.

Few are really prepared to understand everything that is going on in relation to the new laws that will govern our market from now on. If you want to come here, remember another famous saying: Brazil is not for amateurs! You need competent advice to protect your company, your customers and be able to enjoy the high profit potential that exists here.

Make a precise cultural adaptation

Customization, or as we say “tropicalization”, is essential to meet the cultural preferences of Brazilian players. What seems like a “detail” can actually be very important. Items such as translating website content into Portuguese, accepting local payment methods and offering popular games such as football, eSports and others make all the difference.

A deep understanding of Brazilian culture is essential to creating an experience that resonates with bettors here.

Establish local strategic partnerships

Closing local partnerships gives the operator a great advantage in better understanding the Brazilian market. And I'm referring to the most diverse types of collaboration, such as working with consultancy companies, entertainment, football clubs, agencies, influencers and others. All of this increases the brand's visibility and gains the trust of Brazilians.

Do marketing completely focused on Brazil

The Brazilian is a heavy user of social networks. The public here loves WhatsApp, while, for example, in the USA the importance of the app is very low.

For these and other reasons, marketing strategies must be greatly adapted to reach the Brazilian public. Advertising campaigns need to take into account the cultural characteristics and entertainment preferences of our audience.

The expansion of betting sites in Brazil is a very promising, but also challenging, opportunity. But, if you create the right strategy and are committed to excellence, your betting site can prosper greatly and contribute to the continued development of our gaming industry. Need help with all this? So, contact me.

Source: Exclusive GMB