MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:56hs.
“Vale a Pena” (It’s worth it)

Intralot do Brasil celebrated Life in Yellow September

The Yellow September campaign, established on the Brazilian calendar as the month to combat suicide, gained a strong supporter. Intralot do Brasil carried out an action aimed at all its employees to remind them that life is “Worth it” and “even if it is grey, nature proves to us that it is cyclical, like the seasons.”

To contribute to the campaign to combat suicide, established in 2013 in the Brazilian calendar, Intralot do Brasil carried out awareness raising activities among its team to reinforce support for Yellow September and for life.

To this end, Intralot do Brasil placed a display on each employee's desk with a message and a playlist on the topic and sighs with a phrase to remind them how precious it is to breathe, to be alive and that also, sometimes, taking a deep breath helps to have a new perspective on difficult situations.

All this to remind everyone that life is always the best choice!”, highlights Intralot do Brasil.

Even if your life is grey, nature proves to us that it is cyclical, like the seasons,” highlights the company.



When encouraging life, Intralot do Brasil states: “Winter is marked by coldness, dark days, flowers dry and fall. And however long it may seem, another dawn brings the sunshine, announcing the next season. Spring finally arrives, bringing warmth, long, flowery and colorful days, filling our eyes with beauty and hope.”

Pain, despite being latent, is temporary. For dark days, there is color and hope in better times,” reinforced the company in its adherence to the Yellow September campaign.

When you don’t see an end to your suffering, seek help. Call 188. A new joy will emerge. Choose life! Replace the period with a comma, and discover that if you wait just a little longer, spring will arrive and you will smile again,” recommends Intralot do Brasil.

Source: GMB