MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:34hs.
Along with Pixbet and Rede Loto

STSoft becomes the third bookmaker to undergo Proof of Concept at Loterj

Loterj received at its headquarters Djalma dos Santos, Ítalo Moura and team, representatives of STSoft, for the Proof of Concept (PoC), a requirement set out in the Accreditation Notice for operating lottery games. Of the eight companies that presented themselves to operate in partnership with Loterj, three have already gone through PoC: STSoft, Pixbet and Rede Loto.

The PoC aims to test the technical feasibility of the developed system and compliance with all requirements for the operating license to be granted.

The representatives were received by the PoC Committee together with the President of Loterj, Hazenclever Lopes Cançado, and the Vice-President, Fabíola Esteves, during which they demonstrated the functionalities of the platform on which they intend to explore the lottery service. This is the first PoC evaluating the Sports Betting and ILottery systems.

Djalma dos Santos, representative of STSoft, highlighted the importance of Accreditation: "It is an important moment for us as we have been working for some time on the regulation of this market. We are combining Loterj's expertise with technology, which is one of our main points."

"In addition, this combination means that the gaming ecosystem is not so misunderstood by the population, bringing all the qualities of legality and regulation," he said.

To date, of the eight companies that have presented to operate in partnership with Loterj, three have already passed through PoC: in addition to STSoft, Pixbet and Rede Loto, which have already started their Sports Betting operations as Accredited.

Source: GMB