MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:51hs.
Project doubles current penalties

Senate Commission approves up to 12 years of prison for manipulation in sports and betting sites

The project that doubles the current prison sentences provided for in the General Sports Law (LGE) for anyone involved in fraud involving sports results in Brazil was approved this Wednesday (4). Bill 2,667/2023, by senator Jorge Kajuru (PSB-GO), was approved by the Sports Committee and now goes to the Constitution and Justice Committee (CAE).

The LGE currently provides for between two and six years of imprisonment for anyone who gives, promises, requests or accepts a financial or non-material advantage for any act or omission intended to alter or falsify the result of a sporting competition, lottery or betting site. The same penalty is provided for anyone who commits or contributes to fraud.

As the project doubles the penalty, the punishment ranges from 4 to 12 years in prison for those who commit the crimes, in addition to the fine to be determined in the judicial process.

The rapporteur was the president of CEsp, senator Romário (PL-RJ), for whom the manipulation of results hurts the essence of sport.

“The manipulation of results to obtain advantages in betting and gambling is hateful. This removes the credibility of the sport, causing a gradual loss of interest and devaluation not only economically, but especially morally. There is enormous outrage every time we hear of cases involving the manipulation of results. Manipulations and cheating are completely opposite to the values of sport,” he said.

Online betting

Also present at the vote, senator Kajuru stated that the objective of the proposal is to curb result manipulation schemes on betting sites in the Brazilian market. In justifying the project, the senator cites Operation Maximum Penalty, from the Public Ministry of Goiás, which uncovered schemes by criminal organizations enticing athletes to manipulate games, especially football.

"The recruiters made high profits in games from the Brazilian championships, series A and B, and the Gaucho and Goiás championships on betting sites. More than 15 people, including players, recruiters, investors and bettors, have already been reported to the courts for the practice of crimes of association and criminal organization, money laundering and corruption. Some of the accused are in prison and others have collaborated with others."

Source: Senado Agency