LUN 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 16:52hs.
In the Plenary

Opposition senators insist on removing casinos and online gaming from sports betting bill

The sports betting project is constantly criticized by opposition wings who believe that the matter could “encourage” addiction to gambling. But, in addition, the opposition senators plan to maintain in the Plenary vote scheduled for Wednesday (29) this week the question already presented in the Economic Affairs Committee (CAE) regarding the maintenance of online betting games in the bill.

Opposition senators interviewed by CNN point out that the text opens up space for “online casinos”, referring to games often promoted by digital influencers. This will continue to be the target of criticism from the opposition in Plenary. Voting is scheduled for this Wednesday (29). “These games are illegal, they are banned in Brazil,” said senator Eduardo Girão (Novo-CE).

For senator Carlos Portinho (PL-RJ), the project, as it was finalized, “opens up space for slot machines in bakeries and coffee shops. Surreal to want to put slot machines everywhere. They lost all modesty,” he assessed.

According to the report's rapporteur, Senator Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA), more than 170 amendments were received, most coming from the opposition. “They wanted to end the project, not just remove online gaming. There were amendments for every taste,” he told CNN. He said the opposition's request made no sense as “80% of the project deals with online gaming.”

He recognizes that the item that provided for the so-called “Reporto”— a device that extended the tax exemption for investments in port infrastructure for 5 years, something that no one knows how it got there.

“It had nothing to do with the original project. It was withdrawn in the end, and an autonomous project was created, agreed with government leader Jaques Wagner,” he reported. The request also came from the opposition.

In order to also avoid criticism that slot machines may be popularized, the rapporteur accepted the amendment authored by Senator Tereza Cristina (PP-MS), which makes a distinction between lottery activities and prohibits the “installation or availability of equipment or other devices in physical establishments that are intended for selling bets in a virtual environment.”

Source: GMB