LUN 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 17:06hs.
Betting platform ambassador and creator

With Esportes da Sorte support, Carlinhos Maia promotes edition 2.0 of Casa da Barra reality show

Again sponsored by Esportes da Sorte, version 2.0 of the Casa da Barra reality show is held in Barra de São Miguel (AL), in the mansion of Carlinhos Maia, ambassador of the betting platform and creator of the attraction. The show will feature nine days of entertainment and the participation of around 60 influencers.

Lasting until December 1st, the reality show will have the support of the sports betting platform, which will have brand exposure in every room of the house and during various activities carried out by the influencer.

In addition to the characters present in the last program, at the beginning of October, the current edition will also feature new influencers. In this edition, the days at Casa da Barra will also feature big names in music. The reality show promises other attractions such as parties, dance competitions and surprise attractions.

“It is with great pleasure that we are present once again at Casa da Barra, this very important reality show, which has increasingly engaged the public through social media. We know the relevance of this program, created by our great partner Carlinhos Maia, and we participate in this project with great happiness,” assesses Ícaro Quinteiro, COO of Grupo Esportes da Sorte.

Casa da Barra has established itself as a kind of reality show on digital platforms, with the promotion of new talents and votes that rely on public engagement to decide who will be eliminated.

In other editions, the show has had more than 710 thousand people simultaneously watching the broadcast on the night of elimination of participants.

Source: GMB