VIE 27 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2024 - 04:19hs.
30% of resources

Chamber Committee approves project to allocate part of lottery revenue to women’s sports

The Committee for the Defense of Women's Rights of Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies approved a bill that allocates a 30% quota of the funds collected from lotteries to female sports, which are passed on to sporting entities. The program should also train social club managers and encourage the participation of women in leadership positions.

Bill 3646/23, by deputy Natália Bonavides (PT-RN), received a favorable opinion from the rapporteur, Lêda Borges (PSDB-GO). It reserves a 30% quota of the funds raised from lotteries that are passed on to sporting entities for women's sports.

It also provides that 5% of the resources transferred to entities of the National Confederation of Clubs (Fenaclubes) will be allocated to training programs for social club managers and promoting female participation in management and leadership positions in sport.

“By promoting the development of women's sport and encouraging, from the ground up, those female athletes who dedicate themselves and work in various sports, the project aims to improve the infrastructure and increase the visibility of competitions in this area,” explained Lêda Borges.

According to the proposal, entities that receive resources from lotteries will have a period of one year, from the publication of the law, to adapt to the new rules.

The proposal that is being processed conclusively will be analyzed by the Sports and Constitution and Justice committees.

Source: Câmara de Notícias Agency