VIE 18 DE OCTUBRE DE 2024 - 05:41hs.
Despite some opposition

For Kajuru, sports betting regulations will be approved tomorrow in Senate “without problems”

Scheduled to be voted on this Tuesday (12) by the Federal Senate, the project that regulates sports betting in Brazil should be approved without problems. At least that is the view of senator Jorge Kajuru (PSB-GO), one of the authors of the final report. Kajuru told Jornal Opção that the government's proposal should pass, despite “riots from the opposition”.

“The government wins, the opposition riots, but the government wins. I was one of the authors of the final report, alongside Senator Ângelo (Coronel PSD-BA), where we made the importance of approving this project very clear. So I think it will be approved, without any problems,” stated Kajuru.

The president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), confirmed that the text will be on the agenda this week. The project is one of the priorities of the federal government, which estimates that it will raise R$1.6 billion (US$ 325m) in 2024 through betting.

The expectation now is that the senators will reach a consensus in the next session and also decide on the inclusion, or not, of online casinos in the regulation.

The rapporteur, Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA), estimates revenue of up to R$10 billion (US$ 2.02bn). The session is scheduled to start this Tuesday (12), at 2 pm.

Coronel read his opinion in the plenary session last Thursday (6), but an agreement reached between parliamentarians postponed the vote. For the rapporteur, several types of online gaming already operate in Brazil clandestinely.

The regulation of sports betting is a priority for the Executive to increase revenue and help the government meet the fiscal target established for 2024. In the Budget Law proposal, the Presidency of the Republic intends to bring the fiscal deficit to zero, that is, the government must not spend more than it collects, according to the rules of the new fiscal framework.

Source: GMB