VIE 27 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2024 - 14:57hs.
It can go to Plenary this Thursday or Friday

Lack of agreement postpones vote on bill that regulates sports betting and return of iGaming

The Chamber of Deputies was unable to respond to the government's appeals and Bill 3626/2023, which regulates sports betting in Brazil, failed to be voted on. Due to the delay in reaching an agreement and other issues on the table, the matter was not even discussed. There is still an attempt to bring together all interests so that it can be voted on this Thursday (21) or Friday (22), in an extraordinary session, which has not yet been scheduled.

The regulation of sports betting was once again blocked in the Chamber of Deputies, as the organizers of the matter were unable to reach a final consensus and because other projects involved in the agreement were also under internal discussion.

The session was opened by deputy Sóstenes Cavalcante (PL-RJ) while the president of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), continued in meetings to meet all interests in the House.

Speaking to GMB, interlocutors present in the Chamber of Deputies stated that negotiations are expected to be finalized this Thursday (21) in an attempt to vote on the matter. Games Magazine Brasil heard from reliable sources that “we have practically already reached an agreement to return online gambling and vote on the matter later this year, that is, on Thursday or Friday.”

The Chamber of Deputies is about to conclude this year's legislative work and there is still no plan for an ordinary session. Questioned by GMB, the interlocutors stated that the President of the House, Arthur Lira, may propose extraordinary sessions until the matter is put to a vote.

Bill 3626/2023 is of great interest to the government and the Executive has been working to reinsert online gambling into the project to guarantee something around R$12 billion (US$ 2.45bn) in revenue in 2024, as the rapporteur of the matter in the Senate, Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA), has already indicated. In the budget law, the government estimated revenue of around R$2 billion (US$ 410m), based on undervalued calculations. Without online gambling, this figure could fall to R$700 million (143m), which would do little to eliminate the fiscal deficit.

Therefore, the government continues to intend for iGaming to return to the bill and has activated its organizers to resume online gambling. At the same time, the government leader in the Chamber, deputy José Guimarães (PT-CE), presented a request for the bill to be voted on urgently. This request must be voted on before the matter is considered, if Arthur Lira calls an extraordinary session.

Source: GMB

Câmara, deputado José Guimarães (PT-CE), apresentou requerimento para que o PL seja votado em regime de urgência. Esse requerimento deverá ser votado antes da apreciação da matéria, caso Arthur Lira convoque sessão extraordinária.

Source: GMB