LUN 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 16:46hs.
Big techs are breaking rules, according to government

Finance Ministry notified Meta, TikTok and Google for irregularities in sports betting advertising

Technology companies Meta, TikTok and Google were notified by the Ministry of Finance for violating the rules on advertising sports betting in Brazil. The country's authorities had already demanded compliance with the rules by big techs in at least four meetings.

In the notifications, the Ministry of Finance stated that “it has observed that a small part of the sector's communication, advertising and marketing actions have complied with current regulations, and the vast majority of media broadcast have not presented an age restriction notice and clause warning, among other irregularities.”

In other words, digital sports betting advertising is being served without “18+” labels, similar to beverage advertisements, or warnings such as “prohibited for under 18s.”

According to the government, meetings with the platforms were held so that companies “could become aware of the standard, adopt the appropriate measures and adapt to the legislation.” The information was obtained by Jornal Núcleo through the Access to Information Law.

None of the big tech companies mentioned have officially commented on the matter.

Rules for sports betting advertising

  • The federal government ordinance establishes rules for the accreditation of websites interested in exploring sports betting in Brazil.
  • In addition, it defines “responsible gaming” guidelines to prevent addiction and induction into debt of vulnerable people.
  • This included advertising restrictions such as betting ads in schools and universities, or that do not contain warnings or prohibition seals for children and adolescents.
  • It also prohibits misleading marketing about possible winnings or that suggests that gambling contributes to personal and financial success, including when promoted by celebrities and influencers.
  • Furthermore, it does not allow suggestions that betting is a source of income, investment or can compensate for financial losses and unemployment.
  • Among other prohibitions, such as sexual appeal or virtues, such as courage and maturity.

Source: Olhar Digital