LUN 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 16:34hs.
Deputy Mersinho Lucena negotiates prominence

Progressive Party wants to resume 9% rate for fantasy sports in the betting project

Deputy Mersinho Lucena (PP) negotiates with the rapporteur of the sports betting bill, Adolfo Viana (PSDB-BA), the vote on a separate section to resume the 9% CSLL rate charged to fantasy sports companies. The idea is to remove the amendment approved by the Senate from the text, which raised the tax to 12%.

At the moment, Lucena is trying to come up with an agreement to, in the Chamber plenary, put a suppressive highlight to a vote, which would be presented by the leader of the PP, Doctor Luizinho.

The Brazilian Fantasy Sports Association (ABFS) argues that, with the increase approved by the Senate, the sector would start paying a higher CSLL rate than betting houses.

“Fantasy Sport companies already collect the common taxes of a service provider company in Brazil (ISS, PIS/Cofins, IRPJ and CSLL). High taxation makes the business unviable and reduces the interest of investment funds in the sector," says ABFS.

"The increase in CSLL, combined with the impacts of the Tax Reform, could represent the end of a promising technology market," adds the association.

Source: Veja