LUN 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 16:48hs.
International competition for the highest grant value

São Paulo listens to the market to launch its State Lottery, concession will be for 15 years

This Thursday (21), the government of São Paulo heard from players in the lottery market interested in exploring the activity at the state level. The objective of the São Paulo Executive is to expand the sources of resources for financing public policies for social assistance. The proposed modeling is for a single operator for a period of 15 years and prognosis modalities (numerical, sports and specific) and instantaneous are foreseen.

Structured by Companhia Paulista de Parcerias (CPP) and Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas (Fipe), the project foresees the collection of more than R$3 billion (US$ 615m) in grants and investments in the order of R$500 million (US$ 102.5m) during the 15-year period of the concession.

The international competition will be for the highest value offered as a fixed and variable grant, for a single operator and a concession period of 15 years.

The resources from the variable grant will be used to reinforce the funding of actions aimed at assistance and reducing social vulnerability in the State, benefiting, for example, health services.

The planned investments include management and operation systems for physical and virtual lottery modalities, in addition to the implementation of physical points of sale.

International certifications will be required to guarantee the availability, security and suitability of the system, which must be prohibited for children under 18 years of age. Among them, WLA/SCS, WLA/RGF, ISO and GLI or similar.

The winner of the auction must also prepare a responsible game plan, providing the minimum rules on practices for selling lottery products in a physical or virtual environment.

In addition, the government signaled the minimum average payouts provided for in the contract, being 43.73% for prediction lotteries, 60% for the fixed instant modality and 65% for the online instant modality.

In the modeling, the state government of São Paulo requires 31 dedicated spaces distributed throughout the administrative regions of the state and another 11,485 non-dedicated spaces distributed throughout the entire territory of São Paulo. In this case, they are not mandatory points, but expected for a better dissemination of the products to be launched.

At the public hearing, which was attended by around 20 interested parties, in addition to others via virtual means, the São Paulo government announced the deadlines to be met to continue the process.

Until January 31st of next year, interested parties will be able to send suggestions or request information about the model to be adopted. After this period, Companhia Paulista de Parcerias will have one month to prepare and publish the International Competition Notice. The auction is scheduled to take place in June next year.

The minutes on the entire process are compiled in a data room and to access it, interested parties must send an email to [email protected]. To participate in the public consultation, simply use the model form available in the data room, follow the rules of the regulation and send contributions to the same email.

Source: GMB