JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 14:01hs.
Fabrício Murakami, co-founder and marketing director

“Already consolidated in Brazil, Pay4Fun will enter markets of Peru, Chile and Mexico”

More than participating in ICE London, Pay4Fun, one of the most important payment method companies for iGaming, created a business space at ExCel where it held more than a hundred meetings with global players to discuss new opportunities. Marketing director Fabrício Murakami spoke to GMB and highlighted that “now consolidated in Brazil, we are going to go to the markets of Peru, Chile and Mexico with our reliable and agile solutions.”

GMB – Once again Pay4Fun is at ICE London and now with a different space, a dedicated meeting room. What is your assessment of the company's presence at the event?
Fabrício Murakami –
The planning at the end of last year was to participate in as many events as possible in 2023 and ICE could not be left out of our plans. ICE is one of the biggest – or the biggest – for our industry. The scope that the Brazilian market has reached worldwide is impressive – walking through the corridors you only hear about Brazil – and everything that was previously promised is now a reality and the country has become one of the main world players.
As a 100% Brazilian company, we could not be left out of this event in search of new business and to contribute to the growth of the activity. A few decades ago, the noise about the Brazilian market was unthinkable. Seeing this coverage of the Brazilian sector is very important. As a supplier of payment method systems, working correctly and battling for the market, it didn't cross our mind not to be here. Our room was busy all the time and every 15 minutes we had a meeting.

London is the birthplace of sports betting and it's impossible to be far from it especially for a payment method company, one of the backbones of iGaming!
Undoubtedly, especially in the online environment. When we founded Pay4Fun five years ago, we saw the gap that existed in this market, especially with regard to customer service and contact with merchants. In addition, on our side, we do everything correctly and in accordance with Brazilian legislation. So much so that last year we obtained authorization from the Central Bank. This was a seal that we were on the right path and today we reap the rewards of working correctly since the beginning of Pay4Fun.

Are these fruits large global operators that are in Brazil and that adds Pay4Fun as a means of payment?
Yes. Today we have around 370 sites integrated into our payment platform. All the big players that operate in Brazil are with us, and those who don’t, are already in the process of integration. We are very happy with the results, the recognition of the public at the fair and the feedback we had from operators and service providers speaking very highly of our solution and the work we develop.

What are Pay4Fun's plans for this year?
The improvement doesn't stop. Our product team is on call 24/7. This year we invested a lot in technology and we are doing a reformulation that includes many improvements in both usability and integration with merchants. In addition, we have plans to attack other markets in Latin America. Peru is one of them, and the others are Chile and Mexico. We are in the testing and development phase of the global platform and later this year we will be in other markets.

A Brazilian payment method company for the gaming and sports betting sector, which does not even exist from a regulatory point of view. Are you ready for this yet?
Without a doubt. We have followed all of the Central Bank's recommendations since the beginning of our operations and are focused on doing everything right, just waiting for this key turning point for regulation. I believe – and the company is aware of this – that we are fully prepared when the regulation becomes active in Brazil.

Source: Exclusive GMB