JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:54hs.
The brand would change its place in uniform

Inter and EstrelaBet will soon announce millionaire and historic sponsorship expansion

According to information from journalist JB Filho, Internacional will announce this week the contractual renewal of sponsor EstrelaBet. “The annual payment will jump from around R$ 4 million to more than R$ 20 million, and may reach up to R$ 23 million,” said the journalist on his blog. There will also be changes to the location of the brand on Inter's uniform.

Journalist JB Filho ended up revealing some details about a fortune that Internacional, from Porto Alegre, is very close to receiving in the coming years. One of the most important values for a team's revenues, without a doubt, is sponsorships. It is in this area that the team from Rio Grande do Sul is very close to scoring a great goal behind the scenes.

According to information that recently appeared in the Rio Grande do Sul press, Internacional ended up reaching an agreement with EstrelaBet to expand the sponsorship, but not only that, also multiplying the amounts to be earned by the club during the term of the current contract, which has not yet been finalized, but is close to.

Journalist JB Filho revealed more information about the arrangement. “The club has been contacted from another sponsor and the current partner decided to strengthen the amounts. With this, Inter is increasing by more than five times the money received annually and still extending the agreement until the end of 2025,” he wrote.

Inter secures important income

Still according to the reporter, the values must exceed R$ 20 million (US$ 3.85m) per season. “No one confirms closed numbers because there are confidentiality clauses, but what I managed to find out behind the scenes is that the annual payment will jump from around R$ 4 million (US$ 770,000) to more than R$ 20 million (US$ 3.85m), and could reach about R$ 23 million (US$ 4.41m) more or less,” he explained.

Other information from JB confirms that there will also be changes to the brand's location on Inter's uniform. Until now, EstrelaBet was present on the shoulder blade, but it will change to a space on the back of the jersey. In addition, the company will continue as the team's main sponsor of women's football, occupying the most noble place on the ‘Gurias Coloradas’ shirts.

Source: GMB