JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 14:01hs.

City Hall forwards project to create lottery in Pelotas, Río Grande do Sul

Paula Mascarenhas, the mayor of Pelotas, a city and municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, signed the proposal to reformulate the bill that provides for the creation of the public lottery service in Pelotas, to be called Lotopel. The project was forwarded to the Chamber of Councilors for consideration in the next sessions of the legislative house.

According to Mascarenhas, the proposal considered the claims of the Health Council, councilors and representatives of hospitals in relation to the previous project.

The new proposal aims that the resources collected through the lottery be shared with the Primary Care Network, which will keep 60% of the calculated amount, and philanthropic hospitals, with 40%.

The project was forwarded to the Chamber of Councilors for consideration in the next sessions of the legislative house.

"I hope to be giving an answer to create the necessary consensus for the approval of this project, so that people can inject more resources into the health of the municipality," said Mascarenhas.

The Lotopel public service will be explored, after approval by the Legislature and sanctioned by the Law of its creation, directly or indirectly by the Executive, by the Municipal Secretary of the Fazenda, or, alternatively, by private law legal persons, with or without lucrative purposes, since they comply with rigorous requirements of legal authorization, fiscal and labor regularity, economic qualification and other conditions required by legislation.

Source: GMB