JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:27hs.
Invitation from colleague Felipe Carreras

Deputy Delegado Da Cunha will co-author the CPI request for Sports Betting

Brazilian federal deputy Delegado Da Cunha (PP) accepted the invitation of colleague Felipe Carreras (PSB-PE) to be co-author of the request for the creation of the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry (CPI) that will investigate the manipulation of results, especially in football matches, to benefit those who make sports bets.

The parliamentarian of ‘Baixada Santista’ wants to investigate this market, which moves millions of reais, and the possible manipulation of results, especially in football games, to benefit bettors.

"With billions of dollars coming in with bookmakers and a history of cloudy tracks in our football, worse chapters then to come. We have to act urgently," said the Pernambuco parliamentarian.

The idea of creating the CPI came after the Public Prosecutor's Office of Goiás began an investigation into the possible manipulation in three games of the last round of the Brazilian Championship Series B, last year.

The CPI of sports betting should be installed as soon as possible, so that the complaints of match manipulation in Serie B are investigated.

The acronym CPI means Parliamentary Committees of Inquiry, and are created by the president or member of a parliament to investigate different facts. Thus, when it is done, it is necessary to request at least one third of parliamentarians.

A CPI has investigative powers proper to the judicial authorities, in addition to others provided for by law and in the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly.

Source: GMB