JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 14:00hs.
The rate is not defined yet

Haddad: online betting taxation is drafted, PM to be published after trip to China

The Minister of Finance of Brazil, Fernando Haddad, said this Tuesday (14) that the government should publish a Provisional Measure (PM) after the trip of the President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, to China (departures on March 26) to tax the online gaming and betting industry. According to him, companies in the sector will pay a contribution, but the rate has not yet been defined given the scarcity of information on the revenues of companies.

"We should publish the Provisional Measure after the trip to China. It will be by PM because we need a window of 90 days to come in force, the sector does not pay any tribute, it will probably be a contribution. As there is no historical series and knowledge about historical values, we have to accumulate information that comes from the sector itself, but it cannot be exclusive to them for us to close the statement of reasons for the PM and calculation of the impact on public accounts," he said.

Haddad has a meeting this Tuesday (14) with executives from companies that operate in the sector, as well as lottery administrators. The meeting has the presence of representatives from the National Association of Gaming and Lotteries (ANJL), Betano, Conta Zap and Zap Bets, BetNacional, GaleraBet, Vai de Bet and F12 Bet.

In early March, Haddad said that the increase in the Individual Income Tax (IRPF) exemption will be offset by the taxation of online betting. "We are going to compensate for the small loss of collection with the IR table with taxation on these electronic gaming that do not pay any tax and take a fortune of money from the country. Gambling is taxed in the whole world, and in Brazil it is not," said the minister in that ocasion.

Estimates of the measure's potential revenue vary between R$ 2 billion (US$ 382m) and R$ 6 billion (US$ 1.15b) per year. "The model is ready, but we need a more precise estimate. But it is something in the order of billions of reales, not many, but some," added Haddad, at the beginning of the month.

As Broadcast (Grupo Estado's real-time news system) and the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo showed, without regulations to operate on national soil, these companies are based abroad, but move billions of national bettors.

In 2018, under the government of Michel Temer, these bets were legalized in the country, but a maximum period of four years was established for them to be regulated by the Ministry of Finance. This deadline expired last December and, as this did not happen, they currently operate in a kind of regulatory limbo.

Source: Estadao