JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 14:01hs.
According to information from UOL

Brazil will ban advertising and sponsorship of football teams to unlicensed betting sites

Sports betting sites that do not pay taxes and license to operate in the country will not be able to advertise in Brazil. UOL found that those who do not follow the rules will not be able to advertise and the veto includes sponsoring football teams. The PM (Provisional Measure) that the Ministry of Finance is preparing to tax sports betting sites is almost ready.

A survey by the Finance Ministry indicates that at least 38 football teams receive some sponsorship from "fixed-quota" sports betting sites, which will be taxed from the publication of the MP.

The hammer still remains to be hammered on the rate that will be charged and the estimated collection. At UOL Interview in early March, Minister Fernando Haddad said that the sector could generate between R$ 2 billion (US$ 380m) and R$ 6 billion (US$ 1.15b) for public coffers.

More recent calculations made by Finace estimate a potential collection of between R$ 6 billion (US$ 1.15b) and R$ 9 billion (US$ 1.7b), the report found. The PM will be presented by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in early April, when he returns from China.

The government intends to charge a license of R$ 30 million (US$ 5.7m) for each site to operate in the country, with a requirement to open a headquarters in Brazil.

After the PM is published, Finance will issue ordinances regulating how taxes will be charged and the deadlines for companies to adjust to the new rules. The initiative will help offset the loss of income with the increase in the exemption from the Income Tax ceiling.

What is known about the government project

  • Each license will cost R$ 30 million (US$ 5.7m) and will be valid for 5 years
  • Companies need a license and accreditation to operate in the country
  • The sites will have to open headquarters in Brazil and present documents with the CNPJ
  • The government will also require companies to present a minimum share capital. Value is not defined yet
  • Anyone who does not meet these conditions will be prohibited from advertising in Brazil, whether in the media or on a football team shirt or another sport.

This Wednesday (14), Haddad told journalists that the impact on the accounts has not yet been finalized because there is no historical series on the subject.

"We have no historical series and no knowledge of the sector. We have to accumulate information that is coming from the sector itself - but it cannot be exclusive to them - to close the exposition of measures and the calculation of the impact on the public accounts," stated Haddad.

Source: UOL