JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:50hs.
Games may enter the Los Angeles Olympics

The clash of opinions between the IOC and Brazil’s Sports Minister on eSports

Since taking office as Minister of Sports in the Lula government, Ana Moser has picked a fight with eSports, which she, as a federal authority, does not consider a sporting activity, but entertainment. Contrary to what the former volleyball player thinks, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is seeking a renewal of the Olympic movement and the tendency is for them to be recognized internationally.

Last weekend, in an interview with Globo's Esporte Espetacular, Ana Moser was emphatic once again:

“Today, effectively, it is not a sport. This is a process that is independent of me. Within the phenomenon, the sports area has a format that has the issue of movement. Sport is movement, this is a biopsychosocial phenomenon, and bio is very important. As a scientific, biological phenomenon, it has movement,” he stressed.

IOC thinks different

But, contrary to what the Minister of Sport thinks, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is seeking a renewal of the Olympic movement, and has been gradually developing the process of including electronic sports. For Guilherme Vieira, a member of the USP Olympic Studies Group and eSports and education researcher, the trend is for electronic games to be recognized internationally.

“eSports are still new in the West. They have already appeared more than once in the Asian games, with the right to medals. The Olympic movement yielded a little to the pressure of electronic games. While many expected breakthroughs at the Tokyo Olympics, there was nothing relevant. Now, there is speculation about a possible advance in the electronic sports agenda at the Los Angeles Olympics in 2028, a region closely linked to technology and the development of these games,” said the expert to G1.

It must be considered that the IOC has already surpassed any conceptual discussion about what is or is not a sport. In the opinion of experts, this comes from the need for the Olympic movement to survive in the coming decades.

Suffice it to mention, for example, the recent inclusion of surfing, skateboarding and climbing in Tokyo-2020 and breaking, which will debut in Paris-2024.

“The fundamental idea is to attract the young public and integrate them even more into the event. Not to mention the leap in audience that follows,” adds Guilherme Vieira.

Source: Metropoles