JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 14:03hs.
Renata Silveira, Globo's narrator at Cartola launch

“Bookmakers are increasingly active in Brazil and regulation will bring more professionalization”

Renata Silveira, Globo's sports narrator, conducted the Cartola 2023 launch ceremony. In addition to interviewing ambassadors, influencers and the product's development team, she presented the main features of the fantasy game and challenged those present to give tips on athletes. In conversation with GMB, she spoke of the importance of sporting integrity and that she sees more and more bookmakers present in Brazil. “I support its presence,” she said.

GMB - How was the launch of Cartola and what's new in the fantasy game that has been so successful?
Renata Silveira -
There are many novelties and it was a pleasure to present the Cartola launch event and learn about the news, which will help me a lot as a “cartoleira”. I think that of all the new features, the most important are the fact that you can select a team with just one minute left to start the round, the possibility of automatic selection and the coach and captain scores. This will balance disputes more and bring real technical football closer to the game.

Speaking of real football, Cartola engages the public more and increasingly shows the importance of responsible gaming!
For sure. It engages the public more, including the female audience. We had the presence of Cami, Cartola's influencer, who spoke a lot about her experience and that more and more women are playing. The more women are working in the sport and playing for Cartola, it will be much nicer and give more representation.

Is it possible to show, through Cartola, the importance of integrity in sport?
For sure. I am from Physical Education and for me sport is essential for the development of people and athletes. When it comes to real sport, integrity and fair play are very important and we see this happening at Cartola as well.

What assessment do you make of the growth of sports betting sites in Brazil, in which they are asking for regulation and working for sporting integrity?
I see the great growth of this segment. In recent years, many bookmakers have emerged and I see that many people see this as a business and it is good that regulation will come, making everything more professional.

In all the games you narrate there are bookmakers' brands on players' shirts and on advertising leds in the stadiums…
Yes, there is a big growth. They are arriving with great force and it is a very nice investment that the clubs are receiving. And the brands are not just on the shirts. The other day I saw the name of a bookmaker on a fan flag.

That is, they are more and more gifts and have your approval?
Yes, they are more and more present in Brazil, t is a path of evolution and I support its presence.

Source: Exclusive GMB