JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 14:02hs.
First one is on sports betting

Loterj releases series of posts about available lottery modalities and others to come

This Monday (20), the Lottery of the State of Rio de Janeiro - Loterj launched a series of posts on its social networks to clarify society and, in particular, the company's customers about the main lottery modalities available to the market. Interestingly, it started precisely with sports betting, which will soon be auctioned by Loterj.

This Monday (20), a clarification campaign was launched by Loterj on the different types of lottery products, commercialized or not by the company.

Over the next few weeks, numerous verticals from the lottery world will be presented by the entity, with the aim of “informing and guiding our customer-citizens about ‘new’ lottery modalities, in addition to mechanisms to protect against illegalities and our actions to promotion of responsible gaming,” published the company and its president, Hazenclever Lopes Cançado.

For no other reason, but due to the fact that Loterj is preparing the notice for sports betting, this was the modality chosen to open the series of posts.

In a very didactic way, even to bring the modality closer to those who are not yet familiar with fixed-odds betting, Loterj explains in detail concepts ranging from the definition of what sports betting is to the meaning of odds and markets. And it gives as examples the card markets and corners, in football, and knockout, in a fight.

In the post, Loterj also reminds that “you must always be informed, at the time of the bet, what the prize amount will be.”

In a recent interview with GMB, the president of Loterj, Hazenclever Lopes Cançado, said that soon the entity will launch two public notices, one of them for granting sports betting to the private initiative, and another for the launch of new online lottery modalities.

“We are very well underway and I invite all market players to present themselves [when the bid is published], as we have an excellent market to be explored. Brazil is the center of attention for sports betting and Rio de Janeiro is the best place to explore the sport, which is quite consolidated. The state's population has already embraced the activity and operators will have a large market to work with,” he told GMB.

Combating illegal gambling and attracting operators to Rio

Last week, the president gathered his team at Loterj to deal with mechanisms to combat irregular gambling in the area of sports betting, as well as encouraging companies that come to operate this modality in the state of Rio, as he commented to GMB during the ICE London.

Raising bettors' awareness of the benefits and advantages of choosing platforms that operate within industry regulations was also a prominent topic.

Source: GMB