JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 14:11hs.
Strategies and commercial opportunities for Brazil’s idol

Zico closes image and commercial management contract with KLEFER Group

Shortly after celebrating his 70th birthday, Zico, one of the biggest names in Brazilian and world football, has just announced another important step in his career outside the pitch. The former player closed a contract with KLEFER, a company specialized in sports and entertainment. This is the first time that an agency will follow Zico's career.

With 40 years in the market and experience in the sports marketing sector, KLEFER will be responsible Zico's commercial strategies and opportunities, as well as prospecting, development of activations, image positioning, delivery of projects and service to partner brands.

The story between Zico and KLEFER goes back a long way. The ‘Galinho’ was part of the national radio sports show project that gave rise to the company in 1983, alongside a team full of stars such as Gerson, Carlos Alberto Torres, Sócrates, Facão, João Saldanha, among others.

The idol's first advertisement contracts also had the fingerprints of what would become KLEFER, first with the car dealership DIG and later with the sporting goods brand Silze.

Other commercial initiatives have taken place over the past four decades, and more recently, it was KLEFER who organized the official party that marked Zico's 70th birthday celebrations, held on March 3 at the Jockey Club of Rio de Janeiro, with the presence of several personalities, supporting brands, gaining space in the media and thousands of comments on social networks.

According to Eduardo Leite, Managing Partner of KLEFER, the contract reinforces the company's DNA of reliability and professionalism in the management of large projects: "It is a great honor to be responsible for the business development of my biggest idol and of a whole legion of fans that overflow the borders of the ‘red and black’ nation, spread across different continents."

"Zico is a star of life! A timeless idol! An example of conduct inside and outside the four lines, a true reference for society and for big brands. Our mission is to add innovation and even more relevance in the market's relationship with the brand Zico,” added Leite.

Zico also commented on the partnership: “My relationship with KLEFER goes back a long way and now we are going to implement a well-defined and consolidated strategy to take care of all activations, events and partnerships from now on. I'm very excited, this is just the beginning of a new milestone in my career.”

Source: GMB