MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:12hs.
Deadline for next week

Finance Ministry to receive proposals from Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo clubs on regulation

Representatives from Corinthians, Santos, São Paulo, Palmeiras, Flamengo, Botafogo, Vasco and Fluminense met this Tuesday (11), in Brasília, with members of the Finance Ministry. They received from the technicians the commitment that the folder will receive, until next week, contributions from the ‘Group of 8’ for the elaboration of the final text that regulates sports betting in Brazil.

Last week, the eight biggest clubs in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro released a manifesto saying they felt entitled to be heard regarding the regulation of sports betting.

The Ministry of Finance, responsible for the task, accepted the request and, this Tuesday (11), technicians from the folder received representatives from Corinthians (Duílio Monteiro Alves and Andrés Sanchez), Santos, São Paulo, Palmeiras, Flamengo (Rodolfo Landim), Botafogo, Vasco and Fluminense (Matheus Montenegro). The issue of regulation was explained to them in general terms, but without details on taxation and transfers to which they would be entitled beyond those percentages defined in Law 13,756/2018.

The clubs had already been complaining that 1.63% of the net revenue of the bookmakers would be not enough to give up image rights, denominations, emblems and championships. Finance did not say yes or no and agreed with the representatives of the clubs that it will receive the requests from them in the form of suggestions next week so that the technicians involved in the preparation of the final text of the regulation can assess the feasibility of each demand.

On the eve of the public hearing that will hear the sports betting sector at the Finance and Taxation Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, representatives of the eight football clubs had at least the opportunity to express themselves, even if they have to prepare the suggestions for next week.

At this Wednesday's (12) meeting, José Francisco Manssur, executive secretary of the Ministry of Finance and who is at the forefront of the journey towards regulation, will have at least some requests from football clubs.

The public hearing does not have a decision-making character and will only serve to exchange information between the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Revenue with parliamentarians, lawyers and directors of entities linked to sports betting. Manssur will represent the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, and the Secretary of the Federal Revenue, Robinson Barreirinhas.

Before, technicians from the Ministry of Finance should meet with the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF), which seeks to get involved in the final discussions of the regulation and is requesting the transfer of more funds to the entity. The CBF wants changes to Law 13,756/18, which gives Brazilian sports entities 1.63% of net revenue obtained from lotteries so that the transfer amount reaches 4% of gross revenue.

In other words, just like the clubs, football's governing body also wants an increase in the slice of the cake that will represent the taxation of the sports betting sector in Brazil.

Source: GMB